Does anybody else think that the character class option at the beginning is useless? Only for the first three levels is there any real difference because you have different starting gold, slightly different skills like the squire has Riding 2 and the Monk Riding 0. But past level 6 what is the point? By level 8 any priest can be as good a warrior as a level 8 squire and any hunter as good a healer as a priest.
I think if they are kept at all there should be more specific rules and things to make the classes look different. For example limits could be placed on the amount of Leadership a hunter can have regardless of charisma. So you can increase to leadership 3 until you're level 10. A merchant can't have Power Strike 3 until level 15. A Squire can't have Trading 2 until level 7. These are just examples.
Secondly you could limit armor and weapons depending on class. So you never see a priest with a two handed sword, and you never see a merchant in full plated armor.
Third you could have different quests offered to you depending on your class. A merchant would have more escort quests and get x amount of y quests. A squire would have more kill this party type of quests. And so on.
I think if they are kept at all there should be more specific rules and things to make the classes look different. For example limits could be placed on the amount of Leadership a hunter can have regardless of charisma. So you can increase to leadership 3 until you're level 10. A merchant can't have Power Strike 3 until level 15. A Squire can't have Trading 2 until level 7. These are just examples.
Secondly you could limit armor and weapons depending on class. So you never see a priest with a two handed sword, and you never see a merchant in full plated armor.
Third you could have different quests offered to you depending on your class. A merchant would have more escort quests and get x amount of y quests. A squire would have more kill this party type of quests. And so on.