okay, you can use a cheat for bringing up level and $$$. Others can
be done by hand, but frankly its a pain. On other hand, maintaining
characters between versions when character attributes and world are wildly changing never mind how they are modelled internally is a mega-pain. I would guess character save is binary dump of a complex internal struct variable. (or 2).
Here is a suggestion only Armagan can help with but I dont think its too
Have a code that writes a minimal character save. In text format it could
be something like:
Gold: xxxxx
Level: xxxxx
Name: xxxxx
Horse: xxxxx
etc. New version can read this, and if tags are appropriate make closest
match. Forget how character looks. Maybe allow some matching of
equipment (nearest equivalent). Even the basics of level and gold would
be a good start. Number and basics of party would be the icing. ie nothing
really complex, but a helping hand for upgrades costing no more than
a couple of hours coding at most.
be done by hand, but frankly its a pain. On other hand, maintaining
characters between versions when character attributes and world are wildly changing never mind how they are modelled internally is a mega-pain. I would guess character save is binary dump of a complex internal struct variable. (or 2).
Here is a suggestion only Armagan can help with but I dont think its too
Have a code that writes a minimal character save. In text format it could
be something like:
Gold: xxxxx
Level: xxxxx
Name: xxxxx
Horse: xxxxx
etc. New version can read this, and if tags are appropriate make closest
match. Forget how character looks. Maybe allow some matching of
equipment (nearest equivalent). Even the basics of level and gold would
be a good start. Number and basics of party would be the icing. ie nothing
really complex, but a helping hand for upgrades costing no more than
a couple of hours coding at most.