[suggestion] classes, items and skills rebalance

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Grandmaster Knight
I would like to show you my idea about troops (their stats and equipment), and through discussion create complete and well detailed suggestion with wide player support. Eventually to gather all suggestion in single thread, so Laszlo can choose which he likes most. It's for both WAR and FP

My idea:

[list type=decimal]
[*]no troop type should be tied to faction. Bandits and TW should be just another faction, which can use any troop type.
[*]every troop type should be able to pick up and stash goods (including resources like iron), but only serfs or civilian should be able to buy/mine them. This rule obviously do not apply to WAR.
[*]to simplify armour parts, I'll use "armour class" instead of names.
  -clothes - up to 15 total armour
  -light - leather and padded armours - up to 30 total armour
  -medium - mail shirts, byrnies, lamellar vests - up to 45 total armour
  -heavy - full mailee, mailee with plated or lamellar reinforcement - up to 60 armour
[*]simplifying names would be nice - I don't see point in using names like "mounted man-at-arms" when we can use horseman/cavalryman, which is both more obvious (man at arms is term that can be used for any soldier) ans simpler.

Scoutlight70305011090901002184lockpicking, stealing
Civilianlight7030305050301001153trading, crafting, cooking
Peasantlight5030505030503101142mining, woodcutting, farming, simple crafting

[list type=decimal]
[*]I consider that all no-sword weapons above 90 reach are polearms.
[*]It would be nice to have shield requirement changed from STR to shield skill
[*]and crossbow requirement from STR to PD
[*]don't know what horses requirements are ATM, but IMO it should be:
    -speed: very slow, health: high, manoeuvrability: very low (pack mule)
    -speed: slow, health: low, manoeuvrability: low (old saddle horse)
    -speed: medium, health: medium, manoeuvrability: medium (saddle horse)
    -speed: high, health: medium, manoeuvrability: medium (rouncey)
    -speed: medium, health: medium, manoeuvrability: high (steppe horse)
    -speed: medium, health: high, manoeuvrability: medium (hunter)
    -speed: very high, health: low, manoeuvrability: high (courser)
    -speed: medium, health: very high, manoeuvrability: medium (horse with light barding)
    -speed: slow, health: ultra high, manoeuvrability: low (war horse)
[*]horses shouldn't be available in troop selection - it's now possible to spawn them with prop
[*]it would be great to have props for changing armours (which is theoretically possible), but I haven't seen any working code for that...

[list type=decimal]
[*]It's more or less just other types of "trader's daybook"
[*]skills have form of items (you sacrifice capacity for specialistic skill)
[*]you can choose max 4 (but you won't be able to pick up any other item)
[*]if you pick up skill that is restricted to other class, it gets destroyed
[*]on inventory selecting screen, chose your profession (just like traders day-book)
[*]you can also buy skill after spawning, but it costs a lot more

Trading500Trader's daybookAllow buying and selling goods
Mining200Mining pickAllow mining iron
Lockpicking1000keyAllow opening doors that require key, but chance is only 10%
<colour> castle keys1000keyAllow opening doors marked as  "<colour>_green"
Stealing500knifeMake person drop 10% of his gold upon hit.
Farming200sickleAllow farming and fishing
Cooking200cleaverAllow creating advanced food
Woodcutting200hatchetAllow gathering wood
Simple crafting500malletAllow creating simple items and advanced materials (steel, ect.)
Crafting2000hammerInclude simple crafting functions and allow creating advanced items
Looting200club?Allow earning 10% of killed player gold
Some pretty solid idea there, I like the idea of no troop tied to a faction. My personal opinion is that I like both WAR and PWMod, but I believe if a little more time is spent on PWMod it has a lot more going for it as it can expand on more features WAR could not. If you and Laszlo do require help for either one of these mods, I can help as a Modeller/Skinner/Animater, I have not done any work on Mount and Blade but have with Source games and maybe my 3dsMax skills could be to some use to you both.
I was thinking about this the other day. I feel as if some of the soldiers are too one-sided or specialized in a certain trait. While that is generally the idea of the classes the reason why so many people prefer to play as bandits or fully armored tanks is because bandits are well rounded and generally extremely capable fighters. They have high athletics and are proficient enough in each weapon to be able to fight with them. Tanks just need to have a strong shield and a one handed weapon or a two-handed sword. Due to this troop diversity becomes a bit one sided at times.

The bandits just need to be changed in some manner - like your soldier idea "Jack of all trades". They need to be soldiers that could either be mercs, faction soldiers, or even bandits. That way people wouldn't feel the need (or want) to play a brigand all the time.

Along with this, I agree with the idea that troops shouldn't all be tied to some form of faction, but I haven't reflected on this much.
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