Suggest MultiPlayer-AddOn for M&B

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Hey, I came up with this idea: How about M&B multiplayer? We could run it like a MMORPG.

We need to find the simpliest way to code it though. And Armagan needs to approve on our method. And we need a suitable server (I can give my PI 133 MHz, maybe that one is enough?). Another problem is how we should solve the economic piece, suggestions? Well, it sure will be fun when we get it up and running properly. Then we need some testers, hmm. And then the release!

Give me comments on this idea! Is it great!??!!?!?!??!!?!?!!!!111oneone
Even if you're just being sarcastic the thread is a waste of time. I have plenty to waste, but some people don't. Won't anyone think of the busy people?
he isnt a noob. read my post, which is the sticky. I said "don't make another post about multiplayer unless you can..." and he listed what he could do, and all of them are on that list. Lmfao.

Good work. SMARTASS :smile:
Jeinhor said:
And we need a suitable server (I can give my PI 133 MHz, maybe that one is enough?)
Were you serious about that? A p1 running a game server? Because honestly, that's the second dumbest idea I've heard all week (first place is about video game violence). Even running a small Halo LAN game requires either a reasonably new dedicated server or a totally kick-ass computer to be both server and client. An MMO could never be run on any consumer machine. It would at least be a workstation, if not a blade server. This must be some kind of troll because no one could think that 'lets make this game mmo' is a reasonable idea.
Sorry guys, but I just couldn't resist. I'm new to this forum, and the first thing I read looks exactly the same as on every forum I have been on: a detailed sticky from someone who know the drill explaining why something is hard to achieve to people who has no knowledge whatsoever about what they are requesting.

Keep up the good work, Orion!

(a bad joke, eh? I had fun writing it, though...)
That was almost as hilarious as scopes "whats your funny face?" topic.

Even if the thread was less obvious, it still wouldn't have been funny. I hate you. Go away.
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