I knew my idea would cause a nice debate
First of all: I agree with Josef: never mind how high those wages are, at one point of NE you don't care about money any more. And there is still another problem:
Archers are similarly powerful as knights, especially in masses and together with the morale system: with 150 Rangers you can defeat an amlost endless amount of enemies. I raped the WHOLE F***ING DARK KNIGHT INVASION FORCE, which appeared in Sargoth, my capital city, with nothing more than 300 archers. 2800 lose vs. 300, I had about 50 dead and 100 wounded. Okay, the first fight was tough, I had to lure their cavalry away, at least for a minute or two, until they all got unhorsed, and then I had to occupy those dark rangers a bit. But as soon as I had one 3rd of all the troops on the field, I knew my army would get out of each fight with nothing more than a few scratches. 90% of my casualties were caused by enemy fire.
Now try to balance this with wages... or with troop trees
Next argument I have to invalidate: realism. I know that it makes no sense not being able to take your men back out of the garrison, but you all know very well, how many things I could enumerate, which aren't realistic either...
The point with "You can't go out and and gather troops with bandits and sea raiders" is exactly what causes these "problems" with unbalanced parties: it's no "fighting and becomming stronger or dieing" any more, it's a simple "industrial" process, where you artificially breed your elite units. It's no more "These four King's Berserkers are the rest of 87 Raiders, which I recruited once in two days before I started my campaign against the Rhodoks. After seven battles and two sieges they're everything what's left.", as it SHOULD be!
No, you simply let them kill bandits and sea raiders over and over, as if you would learn more by killing 50 bandits than by killing 5 of them.
Mercenary has opened her "Mercenary Challenge"-topic, where she specified some rules you should follow to, to experience a really hard gameplay. I have started to record a "video diary" with fraps, to share my progress with you. (Although there is still only one uploaded, but three more are ready to go, I'm just too lazy to upload *gg*). I had highest difficulty actived (except of autoblocking), and first time in my life I played with autosaving, so that I can't simply load a savegame when I messed things up.
It all started with creating my horse archer character and buying some first equipment (what the hell do I need a broken sword or a half spear for?), then my first fight against some desperate bandtis followed, which I won. Another one or two followed, then I got knocked out by a large band of hungry bandits, but my character was already that skilled, that after escaping I could make this setback undone easily. And I started to win tournaments. Soon I had enough money for a nice party of Mercs (at this point money already didn't play any role), and after Graveth conquered Malayurg castle and left 58 men as garrison, I had my first castle. And you know what? After this point I didn't experience anything that was worth recording. I waited for a Rhodok campaign against my small kindom, and was hoping for an epic (tower-) siege with my 100 Merc archers against a few hundred vengeful Rhodoks, but nothing came. And even if it did, after this siege there would be nothing interesting any more. I had my Merc garrison in Malayurg, and from time to time I made a "shopping tour" through all the taverns in whole Caladria to increase my army size. Perhaps I would conquer one or two castles or cities more, but there is no doubt, that my chances of failure would be 0,01%, due to my possibility to prepare myself with garrisoned troops. So just a few successful sieges more...
The fact that I was limited to Mercenaries made things only slightly faster, for Merc not having many uber-units, except of Lady- and Lordless Knights. And do you know how I got my 50 of them? Yeeeeeees, by farming bandits
I think this is a farce of the original idea of a seasoned warband, which was hardened TOGETHER in the fires of many many battles.
I know my idea sounds stupid on the first glance, but I think the effects on the gameplay would be it worth. What would change?
You wouldn't have three or four different specialized armies for each possible situation any more. You would have your garrison (probably some weaker archers and spearmen with shields, supported by a few heavier troops and better archers, to save wages - even paying half wages hurts, if you benefit from these troops only at siege denfenses) and your party. Your party would become much more "personal", because you fight each battle together. "Breeding" troops wouldn't be so easy any more, and therefore top tier troops would become that valuable as they deserve it. At last. You would have cavalry, archers and infantry in your army, to be prepared both for sieges and open fielded battles. Also the "quality" of your troops would be mixed, due to constant losses and the missing possibility of farming a reservoir of them. Starting a siege or a big battle would become a very important decision, because if you fail, you lose your beloved army.
If you find some good units to recruit (mostly captured prisoners, but also recruited prisoners), but have your party limit reached (and this will be the case all the time in this gamemode
), you would REALLY have to think about your tactics, and party managment would at last deserve its name.