Stupid Question: How do you determine the length of a weapon?

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Lord Leoric of Wercheg

Grandmaster Knight
I could already add any item in except weapons 'coz I don't know how to determine their weapon length. So is there a tool I can use? BRF editor doesn't seem to have one... :???:
this will likely explain more than I ever could>,12372.msg210794.html#msg210794
Sorry if I wasn't clear. I know how to set the weapon length. I just don't know how to determine the length of the model of the weapon.

For example:

If I want to make a new lance I copy an itm_entry of a lance and edit the fields to suit the lance I'm adding, then I run into the weapon lenght. Usually the weapon length of the lance I copied is different from the length of the lance I'm adding.
here I found this on some other site (I dont use wings)

Select any 2 verts - Distance between them displayed top left info, also xyz bounding box dimensions inside < xyz >

Select a single edge - Same as above + co-ords of midpoint of edge.

Select any 2 edges - Angle between edges

you would probably want to measure from the crossguard to the tip, also M&B uses cm as its units
im not sure what wings uses...ill try to find out, probably something odd.

alternatively you can import some weapons from M&B (preferably an assortment of long, medium, and short)
compare to your weapon and sort of eye-ball it....

edit: I just noticed, spears get lower distances than swords compared to their physical length, I guess its because the way they are held
so just dont compare a spear to a custom sword etc. to get the length make sure its always, spear-spear, sword-sword.
You could determine that in the module as well I belive.

Try the one in red.

["bastard_sword_a", "Bastard Sword", [("bastard_sword_a",0),("bastard_sword_a_scabbard", ixmesh_carry)], itp_type_two_handed_wpn|itp_merchandise| itp_primary, itc_bastardsword|itcf_carry_sword_left_hip|itcf_show_holster_when_drawn,
294 , weight(2.25)|difficulty(9)|spd_rtng(9:cool: | weapon_length(101)|swing_damage(37 , cut) | thrust_damage(26 ,  pierce),imodbits_sword_high ],

I believe that this one will determine the length in-game when your fighting.

It won't change the mesh thou if that's what your after.
hmmm, nope that isn't it.

Example again...

the model/mesh length of a spear is 150 but I don't know that so I set the the weapon length in the MS to 100, so in game, even if I hit the enemy with the tip of the spear, he won't take damage.
Well, BRFedit used to have such a thing, and still technically does (show weapon length, or something), but where it used to show a column of white, now it shows nothing.

In other words, I don't know.
Lord Leoric of Wercheg said:
hmmm, nope that isn't it.

Example again...

the model/mesh length of a spear is 150 but I don't know that so I set the the weapon length in the MS to 100, so in game, even if I hit the enemy with the tip of the spear, he won't take damage.

I would hazard that you can try importing native weapons of varying lengths and comparing them with your meshes to determine how long your weapon is and to determine the game's unit length in Wings3D as well. Hope that makes sense.

edit: I just realized that I'm just repeating what Barf said earlier.
You'll be pleased to know that I have done a bit of research.

In wings, make a cube and stretch it from the 0,0,0 point to the top of your weapon. Click one of the edges. The length you will see in the top left corner is equivalent to the weapon length. So, if it says 9.46 (as with one_handed_war_axe_a), the length is 95. 15.0 would be 150.

That isn't to say that some weapons in Native are off, like the Heavy Lance, which is 22.88, but is set to 190.
James said:
You'll be pleased to know that I have done a bit of research.

In wings, make a cube and stretch it from the 0,0,0 point to the top of your weapon. Click one of the edges. The length you will see in the top left corner is equivalent to the weapon length. So, if it says 9.46 (as with one_handed_war_axe_a), the length is 95. 15.0 would be 150.

That isn't to say that some weapons in Native are off, like the Heavy Lance, which is 22.88, but is set to 190.

Thanks, sure appreciate it! :grin:
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