Stupid horse

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Please post aswell as vote, and any other problems, or non-problems (cant think of the word) with horses.

I have a level 16 lancer

I notice a few problems with horses in this game.

1) :EDIT: Removed :cool:

2) Why must they hack at the horse and not me, i'm the threat! I'm sick of my horse dying while i'm still on full health every game.

3) When i'm chasing someone it's impossible to damage them, their sword swings all the way backwards and i can't touch them (assuming we're both on horseback)

4) I charge head on into an enemy footman, unfortunately i miss the couched lance damage and hit him with my horse, he falls over, horse rears. He stands back up and proceeds to kill the horse, and then me. Why doesn't my horse KEEP GOING, not rear as horses seem to do every time they come within 3ft of an object in this game.

5) As mentioned in a lot of other posts, my knight companion charges into a large group of infantry, is grounded and cut down in seconds.

Post you're thoughts/comments
2) Maybe "they" can't reach you? Infantry hit my horse with melee, but archers,etc hit me 99% of the time, and cavalry hit me and my horse depending on the situation.

3) get a longer weapon or use a shield. I have very few problems hacking away at other riders, I just ride up on their side, wait for them to bonk my shield, and take a swing at them. Sometimes they hit me with their wide swings when I'm off my game.

4) Upgrade your horse to one with higher charge #. My heavy charger never rears when running over pedestrians. Only horses, trees, and rocks cause my charger to rear. Couched lancing is tough since it's hard to see the tip of the lance and match it with your targe.

5) Yea, well, there's a lot to be desired from the AI. I've reduced the battlefield size in the options to make the game more playable, along with telling my army to hold a location while I whittle the enemy infantry down.
2) Cavalry are a huge threat to infantry. A riderless horseman is easier to kill so killing the mount is acceptable and desirable imo.

3) As Roady said, 'get a longer weapon' like a great lance, bardiche, sword of war, poleaxe or a jousting lance. But they're slow and heavy. Lighter, shorter weapons are faster and great for side by side mounted combat. You could always get a faster steed too.

4) There are weak and strong horses in the game a stumper wont even cause damage while chargers would only be stoped by a bazooka!...well not really but they're very hard to stop.

5) when surrounded by enemy in a melee that is the natural outcome. 6+ blows, even from butchering knives, at a continuous succesion will defeat anyone. So don't get inside one unless it's your side who's doing the boinking. :wink:
3 kind of bothers me, it's not side by side when this happens, it's when you're almost directly behind a fleeing enemy and they swing all the way back and hit you, while you can't swing forward far enough to hit them. It's even hard with a lance or spear because they hit you with the very start of their swing which happens a lot faster than a thrust.

4 is a horse problem, chargers are nearly unstoppable except in example 5 when one of your knights is using one, then he just gets stuck on the first peasant he runs into and gets swarmed and killed.
2) Why must they hack at the horse and not me, i'm the threat! I'm sick of my horse dying while i'm still on full health every game.

It's a little more effort to aim higher especialy if your using a short weapon, but yes it would be nice if they aimed at you a little mroe often but otherwise it's realistic enough.

3) When i'm chasing someone it's impossible to damage them, their sword swings all the way backwards and i can't touch them (assuming we're both on horseback)

No it's not impossiable, go along side them and already have your sword out, keep practicing, oyu'll get it.

4) I charge head on into an enemy footman, unfortunately i miss the couched lance damage and hit him with my horse, he falls over, horse rears. He stands back up and proceeds to kill the horse, and then me. Why doesn't my horse KEEP GOING, not rear as horses seem to do every time they come within 3ft of an object in this game.

Horses are not bulldozzers. Chargers will however usualy plow over farmers etc but not an infantry guardsman. ANd they are not stupid, also, horse defintely do not do enoguh damage, hooves HURT LIKE HELL. (just ask Volkier)

5) As mentioned in a lot of other posts, my knight companion charges into a large group of infantry, is grounded and cut down in seconds.

Yes, the AI does need improvement.
SealTeam said:
2) Why must they hack at the horse and not me, i'm the threat! I'm sick of my horse dying while i'm still on full health every game.

3) When i'm chasing someone it's impossible to damage them, their sword swings all the way backwards and i can't touch them (assuming we're both on horseback)

4) I charge head on into an enemy footman, unfortunately i miss the couched lance damage and hit him with my horse, he falls over, horse rears. He stands back up and proceeds to kill the horse, and then me. Why doesn't my horse KEEP GOING, not rear as horses seem to do every time they come within 3ft of an object in this game.

5) As mentioned in a lot of other posts, my knight companion charges into a large group of infantry, is grounded and cut down in seconds.

First of all, add "none of the above"!

2: Horse is much easier to hit with a short weapon. Horse will not block or parry hits. If you are unhorsed, you are easier to kill.
3: Get a longer weapon lol! Or, when they try to touch you, parry and then hit them. Also, make sure you are faster (faster horse and/or better riding skill)
4: Unarmored horse will not plow through the enemy as easily. If you have an armored horse, you are way less liklely to rear. Also, your horse is reared whenever it is stabbed with a polearm.
5: Order him to hold position. If he has a melee weapon, the only thing he can do is to charge into them ans get raped.

Lets all think of other languages or expressions for the number five!

You hit the nail on the head as to why I train all of my troops to be seargents or guards. I grew very tired of replacing so many knights.
Seargents and guards actually live for the next fight. Other reasons too, they often run to the edge of the map and start trying to climb that hill. Gets old fast.

Wait though, :???: if they fix the mounted AI my horse butchering days will be over! We have lovely McSteed burger franchises in every town. And we have made the most incredible cold horse carcass storage facility in Curaw. Wait, dont fix it!
er i should say nonmodlings, unlike me.

yes I the grand littlemodmaker has changes even the crapyest of horse to have charge# of 255(yes thats one charge per100 foot man kills) and speed of 30(VROOMM VROOMM!!!) with armor in the 50 a slot #range i NEVER get dehorsed EVER!

what ai problems? OH on the ppl you kill wellllllll they never get to go far(thanx to my 255 dam a shot bow) so ive neer seen any thing like this :roll:

taht said i DO think the blood need to be reworked :twisted: and mabey a ragdoll afectt on my 900 couched lance damage? :cool:
Worst thing i've ever seen is related to number 4.

On a saddle horse (yes I know saddle horses aren't designed for combat, ya-da, ya-da, but listen for a moment) I managed to hit a guy with a couched lance, knock him down, and have my horse rear... Yes, that's right. My horse reared when it ran into a guy laying on the ground.

I also repeated this while going at about 3/4's top speed on a hunter... :???:

Also, my hunter reared when runing into 1 guy at top speed when i missed with my lance... :???:

Personally, i think its crazy, i mean i could accept the saddle horse rearing to a guy laying on the ground because i would guess that since it is typically a non-combat horse stepping on humans would be discouraged, but i see no reason for a hunter to rear when running into 1 guy or refuse to run over a prone guy.
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