Resolved Stuck in an infinite parlay loop, after making peace with an enemy faction/lord.

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Summary: I am running a bandit campaign, so I have pissed off most everybody and I started offering peace. However, After offering, and then having peace accepted I beg my leave and return to the map in its paused state. As soon as play resumes, the now friendly lord hails me as if he were my enemy, and the infinite loop continues until I declare war on him again.
How to Reproduce: **** **** up until a big party of enemies engage you, make peace, leave, get hailed instantly, repeat.
It is on the world map, no quests or specific locations
No media
Version: e1.4.1
Computer specs: Far beyond minimal requirements
Same thing happened to me on beta e1.4.2 patch - was attacked by Imperial army, bartered for peace with the army leader, peace settled, dialog with army leader constantly pops back up if you close the conversation. No way to get out of the loop other than to break the peace and fight.
Same thing happened to me on beta e1.4.2 patch - was attacked by Imperial army, bartered for peace with the army leader, peace settled, dialog with army leader constantly pops back up if you close the conversation. No way to get out of the loop other than to break the peace and fight.
Lmao not in beta anymore an the ****s still happens fix or I'm gonna refund psi I restarted an now the game keeps games keeps crash
I've had this too! It happens when an aggressive lord/army (they want to attack not run) is the one I make peace with.
I read many people mention this before on other threads too. Surprised to see it hasn't been fixed yet.

Hope that code refacor fixes all these problems people are still having weeks after they were reported!
Posting to report a very similar bug: same thing happens, but it's when I successfully recruited my first lord after creating my own kingdom. I think it was an enemy lord. Now I'm stuck in a loop and can't progress the campaign.
Yes exactly this problem I was trying to get solved. Enemy attacked my weakened group. I made peace for money. They were fine with that. Tried to move, and the guys dialog box opened again with a curse from his side, as if we had war. And then normal peacefull conversation.... Pops up every time. Horrible! I just captured my 2nd town.

By the way, my guy has no overhead, so im the Bossman/mainman/king etc.
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