Stuck in Al-Aziz (SPOILER!)

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Hello everyone,

I already told SD about this problem I have with Al Aziz but maybe some of you have experienced this as well and I was hoping that there was a solution already.

So I bought a two-handed runesword from Hamidaron in Al Aziz with my 2nd Qualis (the 1st one having being used to find the place). After toiling and fighting and general mayhem-causing,
I got a 3rd Qualis gem so I decided it was time to upgrade my runesword. However, the moment I stepped into Al Aziz with both runesword and Qualis gem in my inventory, I couldn't leave!
Whenever I press tab I keep getting a "can't leave now" message. I can actually upgrade the sword, yes, and I did, but then I couldn't leave! Now what use is the sword if you can't leave right?

Anyway, fortunately I didn't save my game (and I'm not playing "realistic" rules) otherwise I'd be stuck forever. Any ideas?  :???:
Same thing happened to me when i got my second rune weapon.
Just run to the edge of the map. There you can leave by pressing 'f'

ElNimrod said:
Same thing happened to me when i got my second rune weapon.
Just run to the edge of the map. There you can leave by pressing 'f'


Thank you! Though I think this should still be fixed, if possible.  :grin:
I have a similar problem in that I started a conversation with the salesmen (second time visiting him, haven't bought anything) and now I can't continue. The dialogue is blank and pressing left mouse button does nothing. I can't press escape or tab.

I got a gem to get the location, then got another one and went back and here I am. :sad:

I went to test it once more (since I picked realistic I know it saves every so often so I wouldn't lose anything) and the exact same thing happened again. I go talk to the guy on the left, get his greeting and my "hi, what do you have for sale" and then it 'freezes'. Can't continue and can't leave.

Huge image below:

edit AGAIN:
I just read this thread:,67445.0.html

I haven't been offered anything yet, but I guess it's the same unsolveable bug and my game is screwed?
Mirick said:
I have a similar problem in that I started a conversation with the salesmen (second time visiting him, haven't bought anything) and now I can't continue. The dialogue is blank and pressing left mouse button does nothing. I can't press escape or tab.

I got a gem to get the location, then got another one and went back and here I am. :sad:

I went to test it once more (since I picked realistic I know it saves every so often so I wouldn't lose anything) and the exact same thing happened again. I go talk to the guy on the left, get his greeting and my "hi, what do you have for sale" and then it 'freezes'. Can't continue and can't leave.

Huge image below:

edit AGAIN:
I just read this thread:,67445.0.html

I haven't been offered anything yet, but I guess it's the same unsolveable bug and my game is screwed?,66774.0.html

Issue #34

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