Structures (xp Castle builders may want to peek...)

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now that I was able to import and use an object into M&B, I think it would be good to add more variety to the buildings. Now I have not yet tried the castle building stuff, but from what I have heard, it is limitied. So what did I do? I exoprted some stuff to get a scale idea, but noticed it's broken down into walls and roofs (each type of wall texture is a seperate item)

I was wondering if it would be easier to have these objects as one object. I looked at asome of the wood house meshes, and the wood frame is a seperate object from the walls and roof. I guess this would be good for texture management (more hi res) but seems a bit much... Well, I found some pics and will be modeling some village/farm houses. I'm hoping to work a mod were there aren't soo many castles, more towns/villages, with maybe 1 or 2 castles a side... Just seeing what I can do...
Keep us posted. I'd like to model some architecture for Onin no Ran and I've been wondering how it's done in game as well.
Soon I will have a turret/tower for a castle wall (based on the battlements included with the game) with access stairs to the top of the tower, or the battlement landing. This of course is just a test, and the functionality for it would be more for when a possible siege can be made, but for now it's just to see if it can be done. I brought the zendar town walls into Max as well, to map out (roughly) the hieght of doors/windows/floors for future buildings.

Will post something when I have it more or less completed. Is anyone out there interested in the obj file that has made a castle? If so, let me know and I'll pass it on to you.
ok, this sucks... Where can I host the images to link here? I'm new to ding this kind of stuff, so help would be nice... :oops:

I got a starter pic of the tower I'm working on. It's almost done....

here it is:

or was about 1/2 an hour a go... the dark grey outline is the tower itself, I needed to see inside to do the stairs... at this point (the pic is old), I'm doint the roofing of the tower, and will soon throw in the windows...

here is te blueprint from max

As you can see the battlement is accessable through the tower, as well as the top of the tower itself. I remade the battlement as well, since the one that came with the game didn't seem optimized (sorry, but with the added polys in the tower, I needed to skimp where I could :oops: )

I guess to make it more game friendly (and less modder friendly) I can release the tower, the top of the battlement and the stairs seperately, but I don't know how well it will build, so... um here it is. If someone with castle building exp. wants to try it out, please let me know where to post it.

If someone works on being able to set up custom battlefields, I can make damaged wall pieces for assault action (maybe if you have a captapult unit and you attack a castle, you can call up the damaged wall battle field? I'm still pushing for this!)
Thought of that after, and it will take a bit to fix that... but it can be done...

Spent the last half hour trying to get it into the edit mode in the game... Until I read through the instructions, I didn't know it wasn't perminent, or does it stay on the battle field everytime you enter? makes no difference at this point because I can't get it to recognize my objects in the ingame editor... maybe if I replaced thiers, but they are done... oddly, as I would say. Though you only select and place one object in the game, they are 3 or more linked objects. The exporter sees the walls roofs and other stuff seperate (labelled house_a1, house_a2, house_a3 - corisponding to the roof, walls and wood supports), but in game they are one object (house_a). These object must also be hard coded somewhere as editor usable objects... :???:

I'll stop at this point until the editor dudes figure that one out... it's above me... :cry:
There's some parts of the BRFs that I just ignored because I didn't know what they meant, probably the answer to this thread lies there.
If someone invented the 48 hour day, I'd have it already done :cry:
not rushing you Lurb, you've done alot already. When you find it, let us know, but continue with what you are doing. Besides, some needs to make a town/batlefield editor so we can customize those areas too. I don't know much on the battlefields but it would be nice if we could make set battlefields (like the area) to allow for war campaign progression (like castle battles and the such)

Long story short, do what you can, when you can... Without what you've done so far we'd still be on vanilla items... :grin:
When designing the castle layout, keep in mind that the AI probably won't be able to handle staircases or building interiors in general very well. Or at all. I haven't done any testing or anything like that, but from what I've seen them do in the standard game, I wouldn't expect them to behave very bright.

Wouldn't be much point in having cool enviroments if the AI couldn't fight worth crap in/near them. :/ So make sure to try your stuff out ingame as you go, to see what will work and what won't.
what we would need to know is if there is the possiblility of setting bread crumbs (like in UT) for battle zones. Those looking into editting battlefields should find this out.
If someone works on being able to set up custom battlefields, I can make damaged wall pieces for assault action (maybe if you have a captapult unit and you attack a castle, you can call up the damaged wall battle field? I'm still pushing for this!)
I've been thinking about this, and I found a while ago while looking through the files, the chest in The Happy Boar tavern in Zendar is considered a person, as is the baggage found on the battlefield (I'm sure about it being a person in Zendar, and pretty sure about it being one on the battlefield, too). So, couldn't you just make the walls out of remodeled chests, and then assign them hitpoints?

I don't know much on the battlefields but it would be nice if we could make set battlefields (like the area) to allow for war campaign progression (like castle battles and the such)
Wouldn't it be possible to just make numerous "arenas," then create a new battlefield for each? Then, make the after-battle conversation (like with the tournament master) simply advance quests. Probably a heck of a lot easier than it sounds, but it might be worth a try (I'm not enough of a n00b to not know anything about modding, but far too much of a n00b to implement what I want).

what we would need to know is if there is the possiblility of setting bread crumbs (like in UT) for battle zones. Those looking into editting battlefields should find this out.
What are breadcrumbs?

At any rate, this looks great jik. Keep up the good work. :wink:
Guys before you start modding the citadel of constantinople, like MMad said, the AI can't even handle the walls of the arena and steep hills. It will need an update before any castle siege is viable.

Also, while castles would be neat to have in some towns for atmosphere, keep in mind that nobody really wants to run up 5 flights of stairs everytime they need to sell some grain :smile:
By the way, if you are looking for any castles, take a peek into my "castle contest!" topic.

I still got the castle files if anybody needs 'em
I was making the castle stuff for battle perposes only. You're right, it kind of sucks to walk around town to do stuff.

As to making more arenas, let me know how to create one and I will. Like you said, it can probably be programmed like the arena battles.

I started this as a way to spark interest in this area. I will continue on castle parts when the adding arenas works.
I hope you're still working on this, but it's a shame npc's don't detect castle walls etc.
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