strategy game mode...????

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I just played an archaic japanese strategy game by KOEI and thought it would be interesting to implement battles from M&B to it or vice versa. I don't know if anyone played any games by shibusawa (romance of three kingdoms, genghis khan, nobunaga etc.), well the games are parted between a strategical screen where you raise armies, trade and send ambassadors to other kingdoms

When you attack a province it changes to a tactical screen where you and your enemy move armies, lay ambushes, try to convince enemies to give up etc.

when two armies meed or an army is ambushed it changes to the very battle screen. Well here i think it would be nice if it would change to a battle screen like m&b if the army that meets the enemy if lead by the king or one of his relatives. Only the strategy screen and the tactical screen would have to be included and these are really primitive. I don't ask armagan to do it, but to give modders the ability to change fundamental things like this, so that they can make things like arena etc.

EDIT: alternatively it could work as sid meyers civilization or something else, the idea is to have the ability to make a strategy game based on M&B engine
I think this would be a great thing for modders to play around with, but I think it should never go into the main game. It would be rather nice, I honestly thing Armagan has started a gold mine with M&B it deserves a wider audience than it currently has, and a few dozen sequels/spin-offs. Move over Megaman X203 Welcome M&B 2-9999 :grin:
Don't make it a rts please.
It is enough that you have to take annoying little monions with you.. let alone control them.. DO NOT MAKE IT A RTS.
Don't make it a rts please.
It is enough that you have to take annoying little monions with you.. let alone control them.. DO NOT MAKE IT A RTS.
No offense...but if hiring helpers and commanding them in first person is "annoying"...maybe you're playing the wrong game. :lol:
I completely agree with the idea. I too am a big fan of all KOEI games, and have played romance of the three kingdoms entirely too much. Not to mention uncharted waters, pacific theatre of operations, operation europe, nobunaga's ambition, and a couple others. They even made the original civilization, which i have safely tucked away inside of a nice warm blanky and pillow in my closet :lol: I always thought civilization would have been 100 times better if you actually got to fight out the battles, rather than watching two poorly animated characters "battle" each other until someone's hp hit 0. I vote yes, yes, and ummm....YES!

EDIT: Oh, and LuiBei owns all. Notice how in that screen he's outnumbered badly, but his troops' morale is higher, mwahahaha :razz:
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