
By Paul Sundermeyer, Aka Wind Rider, Bringer of Thunder.
The light reached through the hills and onto the barren steppes, as if it where reaching for the Thunder Bringers, who were faced against a enemy that stretched across the lands further than the storm would allow eyes. The storm ravaged all: all except the incarnate of the storm itself. Wind Rider and Lion Tamer, Bringers of Thunder. Tall they stood, eye to eye with the clenching jaws of natures fury. Wind Rider and Lion Tamer were mounted upon horses in front of their legions of highly trained Warriors; as the elements ravaged the enemy army, Wind Rider and Lion Tamer Embraced natures fury as savage wind and dust blew past them, they stood solid as stone with rage in their eyes.
A gripping silence held both armies in its savage grip, the time for battle grew ever closer; as the sun rose to the backs of the Thunder Bringers, the grip of silence was shattered by the blood curling roar of the Thunder Bringers, "Charge!"
As steel boots slammed upon the ground, drawing each army closer to battle, Wind Rider and Lion Tamer lead the calvary to the flank, side by side Wind Rider and Lion Tamer crashed into the enemies flank in unison with the infantry charge. The mighty steel of the Thunder Bringer armies clashed with the peasant flesh, turning the land red with blood. After, Wind Rider and Lion Tamer: Bringers of Thunder smashed the enemy flank with their calvary, they did the one thing peasants fear more than death. Wind rider and Lion tamer dismounted from their horses: like gods from the heavens. As their boots slammed upon the ground the beating hearts of the enemy seemed to stop.
Then, in a blink of an eye Wind Rider and Lion Tamer: Bringers of Thunder charged at the enemy with the rage of 1000 buffalo! Lion Tamer drew his legendary war bow, he fired two shots that tore through the skulls of the enemy, securing 2 enemies on each arrow; then quickly drew his blood drenched axe as enemy charged him he stood with the strength of 1000 warriors. Lion Tamer began to hack and slash quenching the blood lust of his axe, Lion Tamer's path was littered with severed limbs; the blood from his kills ran all the way to the back ranks of the enemy. Whilst Lion Tamer was slaughtering peasants, his brother, Wind Rider was slaughtering the peasants by his side. Wind Rider drew a breath so powerful, it would blow out the lungs of a normal man: Channeling all his rage saying, "My arms are strong like the legs of a buffalo! My will is strong like the mind of the buffalo! The wind is my agility! And thunder is my strength! I say I am Wind Rider Bringer of Thunder!" Shattering the enemy morale. As the enemy trembled before him, Wind Rider drew the scimitar of the buffalo and slashed his way through the enemy ranks, spilling guts all over the place.
Battle roared onward with Wind Rider Bringer of Thunder, and Lion Tamer Bringer of Thunder, fighting back to back, without flaw or hesitation. As the Thunder Bringers slaughtered the endless hordes of peasants side by side with their men, they quickly became surrounded in a sea of peasantry. Even though the Thunder Bringers feared no peasant, they worried for the lives of their men. And none to soon, the sound of a whip cracking in the distance meant only one thing: Owned Bringer of Thunder, was descending upon the enemy. Owned Bringer of Thunder was feared by all peasants, not only for the sting of his whip, but his merciless military strategies. Owned would often times send 1000 peasants screaming to their deaths-- just to test the enemies strength and tactics. For this battle, Owned had with him, 3000 peasants he had personally whipped into submission. Owned charged his forces in, with a crack of his whip. This final blow shattered the enemy army. The enemy was torn asunder. The Thunder Bringers slaughtered the peasants as they fled; as if that was not enough, the Thunder Bringers pushed deeper! Forging a line through the peasants to their leader: the Baron. When all 3 Thunder Bringers climbed the hill on which the Baron commanded his troops, Lion Tamer, Bringer of Thunder charged up to the Baron, who was sitting on his throne. Lion Tamer raised his axe to the neck of the Baron and yelled, "Your skull shall be my goblet, and your intestines the skin of my sausages!" Then Lion tamer held his axe to the sky, and with unbridled fury severed the barons head. The Barons head rolled down the hill into his remaining troops, causing them all to flee with the Thunder Bringers at their backs.
When the battle finally settled, and the final peasant slain, the Thunder Bringers and their armies headed back to their capital city, to celebrate their glorious victory. The the taverns echoed with stories of glory, death and conquest that night. And as Wind Rider, Lion Tamer and Owned sat in the tavern celebrating with their men, a man by the name of Legolas, "Thunder Bringer" burst through the doors, drunk and adorned in ragged clothes, with a pointy stick across his back. Legolas exclaimed, " My brothers! When is the battle, I am prepared for glory today!" Lion Tamer quickly planted his face into his palm, he then slowly rose from his chair with dominance in his eyes: he pulled down his pants; put Legolases face to the ground. Lion Tamer then said, with an earth shattering yell, "Dominance is my cause and boodinky is my tool, I am boodinky man!" And for the rest of that night, the sound of dominance overshadowed every sound in the kingdom.
The light reached through the hills and onto the barren steppes, as if it where reaching for the Thunder Bringers, who were faced against a enemy that stretched across the lands further than the storm would allow eyes. The storm ravaged all: all except the incarnate of the storm itself. Wind Rider and Lion Tamer, Bringers of Thunder. Tall they stood, eye to eye with the clenching jaws of natures fury. Wind Rider and Lion Tamer were mounted upon horses in front of their legions of highly trained Warriors; as the elements ravaged the enemy army, Wind Rider and Lion Tamer Embraced natures fury as savage wind and dust blew past them, they stood solid as stone with rage in their eyes.
A gripping silence held both armies in its savage grip, the time for battle grew ever closer; as the sun rose to the backs of the Thunder Bringers, the grip of silence was shattered by the blood curling roar of the Thunder Bringers, "Charge!"
As steel boots slammed upon the ground, drawing each army closer to battle, Wind Rider and Lion Tamer lead the calvary to the flank, side by side Wind Rider and Lion Tamer crashed into the enemies flank in unison with the infantry charge. The mighty steel of the Thunder Bringer armies clashed with the peasant flesh, turning the land red with blood. After, Wind Rider and Lion Tamer: Bringers of Thunder smashed the enemy flank with their calvary, they did the one thing peasants fear more than death. Wind rider and Lion tamer dismounted from their horses: like gods from the heavens. As their boots slammed upon the ground the beating hearts of the enemy seemed to stop.
Then, in a blink of an eye Wind Rider and Lion Tamer: Bringers of Thunder charged at the enemy with the rage of 1000 buffalo! Lion Tamer drew his legendary war bow, he fired two shots that tore through the skulls of the enemy, securing 2 enemies on each arrow; then quickly drew his blood drenched axe as enemy charged him he stood with the strength of 1000 warriors. Lion Tamer began to hack and slash quenching the blood lust of his axe, Lion Tamer's path was littered with severed limbs; the blood from his kills ran all the way to the back ranks of the enemy. Whilst Lion Tamer was slaughtering peasants, his brother, Wind Rider was slaughtering the peasants by his side. Wind Rider drew a breath so powerful, it would blow out the lungs of a normal man: Channeling all his rage saying, "My arms are strong like the legs of a buffalo! My will is strong like the mind of the buffalo! The wind is my agility! And thunder is my strength! I say I am Wind Rider Bringer of Thunder!" Shattering the enemy morale. As the enemy trembled before him, Wind Rider drew the scimitar of the buffalo and slashed his way through the enemy ranks, spilling guts all over the place.
Battle roared onward with Wind Rider Bringer of Thunder, and Lion Tamer Bringer of Thunder, fighting back to back, without flaw or hesitation. As the Thunder Bringers slaughtered the endless hordes of peasants side by side with their men, they quickly became surrounded in a sea of peasantry. Even though the Thunder Bringers feared no peasant, they worried for the lives of their men. And none to soon, the sound of a whip cracking in the distance meant only one thing: Owned Bringer of Thunder, was descending upon the enemy. Owned Bringer of Thunder was feared by all peasants, not only for the sting of his whip, but his merciless military strategies. Owned would often times send 1000 peasants screaming to their deaths-- just to test the enemies strength and tactics. For this battle, Owned had with him, 3000 peasants he had personally whipped into submission. Owned charged his forces in, with a crack of his whip. This final blow shattered the enemy army. The enemy was torn asunder. The Thunder Bringers slaughtered the peasants as they fled; as if that was not enough, the Thunder Bringers pushed deeper! Forging a line through the peasants to their leader: the Baron. When all 3 Thunder Bringers climbed the hill on which the Baron commanded his troops, Lion Tamer, Bringer of Thunder charged up to the Baron, who was sitting on his throne. Lion Tamer raised his axe to the neck of the Baron and yelled, "Your skull shall be my goblet, and your intestines the skin of my sausages!" Then Lion tamer held his axe to the sky, and with unbridled fury severed the barons head. The Barons head rolled down the hill into his remaining troops, causing them all to flee with the Thunder Bringers at their backs.
When the battle finally settled, and the final peasant slain, the Thunder Bringers and their armies headed back to their capital city, to celebrate their glorious victory. The the taverns echoed with stories of glory, death and conquest that night. And as Wind Rider, Lion Tamer and Owned sat in the tavern celebrating with their men, a man by the name of Legolas, "Thunder Bringer" burst through the doors, drunk and adorned in ragged clothes, with a pointy stick across his back. Legolas exclaimed, " My brothers! When is the battle, I am prepared for glory today!" Lion Tamer quickly planted his face into his palm, he then slowly rose from his chair with dominance in his eyes: he pulled down his pants; put Legolases face to the ground. Lion Tamer then said, with an earth shattering yell, "Dominance is my cause and boodinky is my tool, I am boodinky man!" And for the rest of that night, the sound of dominance overshadowed every sound in the kingdom.