
Hello everyone,
I must ask something. Whenever I play this game. It is just endless hacking and slashing and killing with NO PURPOSE. I tried several large mods all to my disappointment. All the mods I download are merely FANCY, just FANCY but EMPTY.
Isn't there a mod out there which manages to actually add some DEPTH into the game. M&B has gone far and well, I am talking about the native. Although M&B improves mods are still mostly full of the same useless crap NEW UNITS, NEW ARMOR with new textures, NEW WEAPONS with fancy names, NEW KINGDOMS with incomprehensible names.
OK I get that, it is also nice to do these, I really understand that it is very hard to mod a game, even if the game is mod friendly. But all those days, months even years of modding are just for fanciness. Most of them are the same NATIVE with different names and textures for everything.
I hope you understand what I am saying, A messenger comes to me bringing news from Lord, King, Sa'thunChi Master, whatever telling me that he expects me. I cannot ask the damn messenger what the king wants and most importantly where to find him and to my amazement when I find him he is engaged in a pointless battle. Or some quest tells me to get prisoners. Excellent I am bashing random armies to get these prisoners and for what?? I have no idea. I conquer a castle and ask for being the lord of the castle. And the fief is given to me HOORAY I have castle where I can close to no income and nothing else to do except stick prisoners and troops in. HOORAY I captured a lord only to sell him for ~1000 florins so that he can respawn somewhere.
Anyway you get the point, and I am sure one can make an endless list of pointless quests and battles and even dialogues for every mod out there. I am not blaming the creators of the game, they created a mod friendly sandbox. I just do not understand the modding community. You can add a very nice STORY in the game, a story with a lot of atmosphere and liveliness in quarter the time you spend renaming everything and creating renamed kingdoms and troop trees. It would be better if you just make a branching story tree and incorporate that rather than millions of troop trees.
In the end who knows we may have a living and purposeful game rather than a dull pointless game. It is extremely fun to play either way. But pointless gaming is just dull, everything gets boring.
If there is a mod which incorporates a TRUE STORY to the game can you please reply with a link so that I can congratulate those people and play it.
I know that you will tell me to do it myself rather than bashing other people. I wont, Although I have the skills, I do not have the time for it. And if you tell me to do this myself it means that you are just escaping from the truth. What I am telling you is OBVIOUS, nearly all mods are just empty spheres with fancy shells. So please, can some reasonable group of modders create a mod with a purpose.
Thanks for reading.
I must ask something. Whenever I play this game. It is just endless hacking and slashing and killing with NO PURPOSE. I tried several large mods all to my disappointment. All the mods I download are merely FANCY, just FANCY but EMPTY.
Isn't there a mod out there which manages to actually add some DEPTH into the game. M&B has gone far and well, I am talking about the native. Although M&B improves mods are still mostly full of the same useless crap NEW UNITS, NEW ARMOR with new textures, NEW WEAPONS with fancy names, NEW KINGDOMS with incomprehensible names.
OK I get that, it is also nice to do these, I really understand that it is very hard to mod a game, even if the game is mod friendly. But all those days, months even years of modding are just for fanciness. Most of them are the same NATIVE with different names and textures for everything.
I hope you understand what I am saying, A messenger comes to me bringing news from Lord, King, Sa'thunChi Master, whatever telling me that he expects me. I cannot ask the damn messenger what the king wants and most importantly where to find him and to my amazement when I find him he is engaged in a pointless battle. Or some quest tells me to get prisoners. Excellent I am bashing random armies to get these prisoners and for what?? I have no idea. I conquer a castle and ask for being the lord of the castle. And the fief is given to me HOORAY I have castle where I can close to no income and nothing else to do except stick prisoners and troops in. HOORAY I captured a lord only to sell him for ~1000 florins so that he can respawn somewhere.
Anyway you get the point, and I am sure one can make an endless list of pointless quests and battles and even dialogues for every mod out there. I am not blaming the creators of the game, they created a mod friendly sandbox. I just do not understand the modding community. You can add a very nice STORY in the game, a story with a lot of atmosphere and liveliness in quarter the time you spend renaming everything and creating renamed kingdoms and troop trees. It would be better if you just make a branching story tree and incorporate that rather than millions of troop trees.
In the end who knows we may have a living and purposeful game rather than a dull pointless game. It is extremely fun to play either way. But pointless gaming is just dull, everything gets boring.
If there is a mod which incorporates a TRUE STORY to the game can you please reply with a link so that I can congratulate those people and play it.
I know that you will tell me to do it myself rather than bashing other people. I wont, Although I have the skills, I do not have the time for it. And if you tell me to do this myself it means that you are just escaping from the truth. What I am telling you is OBVIOUS, nearly all mods are just empty spheres with fancy shells. So please, can some reasonable group of modders create a mod with a purpose.
Thanks for reading.