Sticking arrows

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Sergeant at Arms
I sometimes see arrows stick into my enemies. But just sometimes. Sometime arrows just...gone...

Do you think this can be mod? So that we can have EVERY SINGLE arrow stick into npcs and stay there. If arrows or javs or axes stick into player, that's even better! Because when I hit by 4-5 arrows. I don't see a single arrow stick into my character.

I'm not sure. But I believe that in the old version (v0.6xx perhaps?) Arrows actually stick into the player.

Do you think that this was hardcode? or we can change that using current tools.
this is interesting because when i was testing some new projectiles for fishmod sometimes they would stay and sometimes they would go. In vanilla they always stay.
There was conjecture a while back that ranged weapons sticking was based on the amount of damage done. At the 1/4 or 1/2 damage settings, they wouldn't seem to stick. With the damage set back to full, they would stick much more often.
So maybe that's the case. Haven't tested it myself, so I can't say for sure.
Its mostlikely that way. If you have 1/4 there are very few to none at all sticking in ever. With Normal damage its a lot more which sticks into you. But you die sooner too obviously! :wink:
If it was damaged based that would make sense. When I play the northern kingdoms mod my favorite weapon is the throwing daggers because its very easy to get insta kill head shots at close range. Daggers that land head shots always seem to stick (which would make for a cool screenshot if you ask me) while ones thrown from farther away do less damage and stick less often.

However, projectiles that hit the ground always seem to stick to the gound.
I've noticed that if you hit an enemy in the head with a jav, axe, arrow, etc, and they don't die form it, the weapon will not show up and will not 'stick' in them (though their head will get bloody), but if they do die from it, it will show up in their head.

I have a feeling that is to prevent people from walking around with javs in their heads.

Crazed Rabbit
It does make sense that way, if you consider those non-lethal head shots to be grazes.

Arrows do tend to stay when stricking the midsection, legs...they just dissapear when they hit the head without a kill.
Wouldn't it will be more "realistic" if arrows, javs, axes and daggers stick into player and enemy? Kill shot or not. Hit is a hit. And it should stay there. Even with low damage it still count as a hit.
Geez, just can't please some people. I think it's perfect the way it is now.

If the arrow hits hard enough (related to damage), it sticks, otherwise it doesn't hit hard enough to stick and "falls off". Additionally, if you're hit in the head with an arrow and it hits hard enough to stick, I don't see you surviving that. Wouldn't look too realistic seeing a guy running around fighting with an arrow/knife/javelin stuck through his head.

By the way, I think .710 changed it so they don't stick as much, especially headshots.
Raltar... feel free to use whatever you want... but... it does sounds familar...

Ah yes!!! It's my words!! MINE!!

LOL use it if you want...

Janus, but what about my arrows I shot? I believe it is powerful enough to kill. (In fact they do) Shot right in to my enemies bodies. But... still dont see anything...
If someone is on the edge of death and you get a low damage hit to them with an arrow which happens to kill them, no, I don't think it should stick. I think it should "glance off" and not stick, just as other low damage blows do.
Now, if you do a high damage hit with an arrow/whatever (whether they're healthy or not), yes, it should stick. Which is how it currently seems to work, right?

EDIT: different strokes for different folks, as the saying goes. :razz:
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