Stealth on the map and ambushes

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This idea was inspired by the scene in Two Towers when Faramir's rangers ambush the Haradrim soldiers in Ithilien.

Anyway I figure there should be a skill added called stealth that would sort of be the opposite of the spotting skill,(maybe add a few others things as well) so it would make it harder for enemy parties to see you on the map. 

Also there could be an option to set a trap where basically your party is fixed on the map and invisible to enemy parties Then if one happens to stumble across your party, you have the option of ambushing them.  This could start a slightly different sort of battle, maybe with your forces sort of scattered and surrounding the enemy or with them not fully equipped for battle(as they might not wear full armour during a march).  This idea would also come in handy if that idea for usable roads ever comes to fruition.
Didn't they have this sort of thing in previous versions? I think I remember seeing some troops in that one Sicily mod for one of the older versions hiding. Maybe I'm just making up stuff, I dunno  :roll: :cool:
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