Naturally, if you do have a specific suggestion (other or more detailed than the above), I may be able to respond to it more specifically.
I had some specific suggestions in different threads about diplomatic interactions + kingdom management since 2nd April 2020 in the threads like:
Kingdom and Diplomacy suggestions,
Dynamic factions instead of 'no snowballing'.,
Strong King status + Return of Marshall status + Longer truces + Feasts and Lobbying.
Of course I know that game passed the point which these suggestions could be implemented and is near to the release period so I don't persist my old suggestions but for specifically talking, I would like this game to have at least:
1)Alliances between factions + Alliances trough marriages between clans
(This is two different type of alliances):
*Feature of alliances between factions could fulfill the mission of coalition against stronger factions. Weak factions would ally with each other against snowballing faction in order to stop the snowballing.
*Alliances between clans trough marriages would fulfill the historical meaning of medieval marriages. This feature can be implemented like this:
a)If allied clans are in the same faction, they tend to support each other in votings + they tend to support each other when their settlements are under attack.
b)If allied clans are in different and hostile factions, if they're not the faction leaders, allied clans would tend to ignore each others settlements and tend to not pursue each other when they're leading an army in campaign map, as a favor to their allies.
c)If allied clans are in different factions and both of the parties in allied clans are the faction leaders, these factions would tend to not declare war on each other.
d)If a clan is allied with ruling clan in the same faction, it increases other clans attitude towards voting in favor of them when succession occurs.
e)It should be way harder to conduct marriage with powerful or ruling clan's family. Ruling clans tend to marry their family with other ruling clans or powerful clans.
2)Non-aggression pacts: Factions would strategically need it in necessary circumstances. Especially when their economy and military is shattered or when they're losing wars, factions could seek non-aggression pacts with some of it's neighbors in order to avert multi-front wars. When factions sign it, they will unable to declare war on each other for specified period of time (like 3-5 years).
3)Trade agreements: Friendly factions could boost the trade between them for common profit and increasing relations.
4)Border disputes & events which causes wars between factions (
I liked this feature in the Warband. This feature is a small work but it's adding such a good immersion that player thinks wars are not popping out of nowhere. But in Bannerlord, wars are randomly declared, without a pretext so it lacks the immersion.)
5)Courts & faction capitals (
game currently lacks meaningful faction capital and kingdom court mechanisms, where state affairs would be handled. Courts with ministers exists in Warband.)
6)Persuasion overhaul (
actually persuasion mechanism in Warband was more immersive, in this game it's like a rolling dice because player can see outcomes and possibilities in given percentages.)
7)Renouncing the tribute Tribute paying faction should be able to renounce the payment obligation after certain period of time without having to declare war on receiving faction. This option would nullify the tribute situation between factions and receiving faction would have option to instantly go to war with renouncing faction to overrule the decision. If receiving faction is in a dire situation with other factions and attacking the renouncing faction isn't plausible in terms of military situation, receiving faction would have to tolerate the renouncement decision.
This feature would allow paying factions to nullify their tributes without having to declare war on receiving factions. This feature would solve the cycle of war between factions which declare wars in each other in order to become the receiving side of the tribute rather than paying side, because game currently lacks mechanism to nullify the tribute payments between factions once the first war starts.
That isn't to say that these topics (like Alliances, Trade agreements, Non-aggression pacts etc.) may not be explored in some other form in the future, but they are not part of the (current) plans for the base game.
This is good to hear. I understand that TW wants to release this game in short period of time so management doesn't want to complicate the balance by extending the diplomacy right now but if these features are to be added after the full release, it's a positive thing in my opinion.