Statement Regarding Plans For MP Vol.2

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couldnt you just give us a dedicated server files if it is optimazed or not.You guys took even modders ability to host dedicated servers that had administiration tools.

edit: and I know xauna have problems and you guys hold a map editor tool that better than what we had in warband.It is okey to not rush and fix the map like could be done in 30-60 min max.but sure we could wait again to you guys to fix it in maybe 4-8 weeks (if we are lucky but you guys also could **** up that again so we dont know) but could't you guys put the old version to the rotation as a hotfix? :love:

since beta, we were already playing that buggy map already and other bugy maps too. so we are okey with that.You guys dont even need to fix it community could do that like did in warband and maybe could make better maps for bannerlord.

Like i know you guys love cs-go to mention when designing the game aspects.I will tell you some secret maybe you guys dont know.Cs go also tooks maps from community made maps and improves it little bit and makes offical.You guys could use community too.


also Bannerlords mp is dying from the slow devolopment(Its okey to be since singleplayer is lacking lots of features and buggy and Sp is the games selling point if you look the counts for now).

If you guys could relase the dedicated server files to community.They could make multiplayer modes that will attract more players to the game.Like pw mod or some sort.(Like i will give an example of GTA V role play mods/servers that boosted player counts/Twitch viewers.That way you guys could sell a lot more and gain mp playerbase that you guys will need when Ranked mode(soon ™) is relased.Right?)Because we all know soon ™

dont you guys bored of player complains about server locations, class system, slow devolopment etc etc... that way people will stop complaining and as a devoloper you guys will get more meaningfull suggestions that not includes alots of salty people)
I can't wait for MP servers to host PW all I've wanted since warband
@Callum so far the Rabbit is not Impressed, and definitely not happy

Hey @Callum

Any word on if OCE siege is coming back up?

I was pleasantly surprised with the latest update and understand that the MP update is coming soon, but as someone who's been playing MP since launch, it just seems like there's less and less to do. Maps are constantly being removed and siege was really the bread and butter of OCE bannerlord seeing as we can hardly play matchmaking with the ping we get from other regions.

Either way, keen to see what you've got in store for the next patch and I hope it really is "soon" this time :razz:
Sweet as thanks dude!

Just something I noticed as well, is that in the past few weeks I can't recall a single crash on the custom lobby siege. I might not be remembering correctly, or it might have to do with the generally lower players as of recent, but it seems to be a loooot more stable than it used to be. I'll let you know if I notice any on the new patch!
Do we have at least an ETA on when this patch is coming out?? Game is all but dead this is vital.
Also, why does NA siege still crash..? Even when we muster together everyone we have to do Sunday Night Siege event, the server crashes...
Can we get Siege NA put on a custom server please i haven't been able to play siege in like a month
Come to my Sunday Night Siege event! It is NA based and at 9 PM EST on Sundays. Just make sure you are in the queue then, we normally get a full 60v60 server in a matter of minutes.
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