Starving 'em out!

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Alright..I'm sitting at Curaw trying to starve them into giving up...have had then starving to ten days, actually, and the castle commander is still talkin' crap about how they can hold me off until old age >.< Is it even POSSIBLE to get them to surrender using this tactic?
You'll have to hold longer than that. It's hard to notice, but they lose men slowly. Once it gets to about a tenth of your party size it should help.
Khali said:
Alright..I'm sitting at Curaw trying to starve them into giving up...have had then starving to ten days, actually, and the castle commander is still talkin' crap about how they can hold me off until old age >.< Is it even POSSIBLE to get them to surrender using this tactic?

Very remotely. The problem with starving out towns is that any caravan that comes in resupplies the town, and your men allow caravans from factions you're not currently at war with to pass.

Yes, it is idiotic.
Well, you can change the number of days a castle/town will hold a siege...

Compilation of 82 little tweaks to the text files to change your gameplay by TheMageLord
10. Change the maximum food stores of castles and towns.

From my experience, I must say it's not very effective anyway, as Mabons said.

But if you have good relation with the city and/or you outnumber them, I think there is a better chance that they will accept to surrender.
I took Khudan this way, but only after some skirmishes that significantly decimated the local garrison.
It's more fun to kick their arses in combat than sit around waiting for them to die of boredom. Unless you're carrying lots of tasty morale-boosting treat for your own army, you'll probably start to lose troops.

Mmm, pass me more butter, honey, sausage and dried fish stew, Jeremus*, we're going to be here some time, seeing as town supplies will last them 100 days.

*I figure Jeremus probably has to wash-up after doing the cooking as well, being the nerdy one. "Wah wah! Artimenner's always picking on me!"
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