Starting this MOD have n00b questions

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Hello all,

I am trying out this mod, been researching them all and found this to be the best for me.  I am interested in becoming a king and I have a few questions.

Option A.  Should I even bother being a mercenary and work for a King allowing me to make extra money and build my troops?  Then when my contract is up I can start my own kingdom.

or Option B.  Just train my own troops in the field and doing quests for Lords and Kings and just start my own kingdom by taking a castle.

Question:  If I am a mercenary for a King can I participate in Siege battles with the King?  I don't think I can and I can't remember.  Also if not then if I take a Castle (as a mercenary not a vassal) does the Castle become mine?  Does my contract end as a mercenary?

Sorry for the noobish questions thanks in advance, this MOD rocks!  I hope it's continued in Warband.
Option A: Mercenary's make pretty nice money if you fight alot so that's nice

Option B: If you recruit large numbers, you can easily train them and easily get a castle.

Answer: Yes you can participate in siege battles with a king. And if you take a castle as a mercenary, the castle isn't yours. I don't understand the last question. If you mean if your contract ends... yes it does, i believe its a 4 month contract.
martijntjeeh said:
Option A: Mercenary's make pretty nice money if you fight alot so that's nice

Option B: If you recruit large numbers, you can easily train them and easily get a castle.

Answer: Yes you can participate in siege battles with a king. And if you take a castle as a mercenary, the castle isn't yours. I don't understand the last question. If you mean if your contract ends... yes it does, i believe its a 4 month contract.

My completely honest advice : Don't be a mercenary.It's just bending over to the king.Just don't :wink:

Going with Option A (mercenary) means that after you leave the kingdom, you'll do option b anyway. So choose b
Ãbyss said:
martijntjeeh said:
Option A: Mercenary's make pretty nice money if you fight alot so that's nice

Option B: If you recruit large numbers, you can easily train them and easily get a castle.

Answer: Yes you can participate in siege battles with a king. And if you take a castle as a mercenary, the castle isn't yours. I don't understand the last question. If you mean if your contract ends... yes it does, i believe its a 4 month contract.

My completely honest advice : Don't be a mercenary.It's just bending over to the king.Just don't :wink:


well since you put it that way I sure as hell won't bend over for anyone, even a king.
Noob questions from me.
I'm enjoing this mod big time, but haven't played the vannila version. So, the thing that bugs me is that when i take part in a major battle it is divided in like 5 small battles. So, winning one after the other, I get no loot. Only the last battle when I face 1-6 poor bastards surviving the massacre, gives me the loot, and all fallen kings, lords, knights remain "unpillaged". The question is:  can it be corrected ?

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