Starting number of units

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Sir Robin

I've been meaning to ask this question, and forgive me if it's been answered; I looked in the stickies and used the search function. How many men can you lead into battle by default? I know that each tactics point lets you lead one more, but how many do you start with? Just want to know, as I'm pumping all my experience now into tactics so I can have as large of battles as possible.
I think the number of units you lead into battle is based on the battle size, which you can set in the options. I do not know how much the default is, but with it set at maximum, I think there are at least a dozen units at your command. Skills like tactics give you an advantage each round of combat, by letting you have one (or more, depending on skill) unit on the battlefield than your opponent. I do not know if this increases you from a dozen to 13, or decreases the enemy to 11, but I think that is how it works. Things like leadership and charisma dictate how big your party can get, but I don't think have an effect on how many units you get during each round of combat.
Thanks for the response. I do think that tactics increases how many men you start with, though, as my party seems noticeably larger now with a tactics skill of 6. You start with a dozen, huh? Only need about 35 more tactics points and all my knights can fight at once! :razz:
@ Sir Robin, it doesn't affect your party size. That you increase by recruiting in taverns or freeing prisoners.

Tactics just affect relative number of troops on field at a time between you and your opponent. High tactics is most evident at smallest battle size where you can get up to 8 against the AI's 3 or 4.
armagan, i think, posted in another thread, that each point in battle advantage YOU have before the battle, changes beginning sizes of both opposing armies from the standard (12 or 13 max i think).

if the odds are 2 for you, it would be: river pirates 10, you 14.
if the odds would be -1 (so in favour of the courageous pirates), it would be:
river pirates 13, you 11.

clear now?

ah, and also, sides get an advantage, if they are considerable larger than the enemy. using mag7, my magnificient 7 rowdies of the universe always fight with odds -2 (against us) against 20+ river pirates, though we all know the outcome beforehand, dont we
:wink: ?
i recall, armagan saying, it was something like this: you 7 people, enemy 7: 0
you 7, enemy 14: -1
you 7, enemy 21: -2
and so on.
but i could be very well very wrong here. i remember fighting hill orcs (erm...i mean mountain bandits), 30 of em. with my 9 men, and only having -2 (i have 1 skill point in tacticts, only 2 have an effect). but it could also be that the mountain bandits have an "intrinsic" tactics modifier.
assuming they have 0 skill points in tactics, versus my 1 (which i assumed before doesnt do ANYTHING, but still i consider it here), it could be like this:

30:9 would mean -3.
if i had 2 skill points in tactics, would be : -2 (27 +3(rest) against 9)
i have 1, so it could be like:
well. i lost it somewhere on the way.

gtg, what i wanted to point out was, that even only 1 skill point in tactics could make a difference. ssheeesshh :roll:

P.S. he who read all of this and still doesnt grasp the grist, fear not! for you are not the only one...
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