Thanks that really did help. My next question however has to be, why do we start off with the same gear no matter what setup we choose? Was it really so hard to leave each class with their own items? I mean idk about you but I play on 100%+ difficulty and it's kinda hard to kill anything with a weak crossbow with low skill and a broken sword since the smallest group is like 25 units. Tourneys aren't exactly easy to win, not that it even matters since we don't have any real money to bet on ourselves anyways >_< It's a bit crazy lol. I know it's not hard to do melee fights until II have 1k gold, then do a tourney and place two back to back 500 bets and win them which will net me ~12k gold. Btw I'm really liking the additional options for better. Really, I like doing tourneys but endgame 6k reward wasn't really much at all, atleast with this it has a point.
A concern of mine is the chargers... So yeah I made a jouster and got him a nice heavily armored charger.... I then proceeded to try and solo a group of 27 raiders. Started off charging right at them with my lance ready, couched one of them and did utterly insane damage to the other 2-3 that were near the guy I hit. So I put the lance away and just started trampling them back and forth knocking them out.... I started doing this at level 6, 3-4 battles later I was level 13. I mean common now isn't that a bit overpowered? Granted there is that braced spear thing the AI players ALWAYS do and horses don't really have crap for HP but still... Btw my horse has 55 armor, how the hell are they doing damage to it in general?
I added the siege expansion patch to my game as well, it's rather impressive. Much better than the same mundane thing over and over again so props to the coder for that one.