Starting character stats are terribly unbalanced!

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I realize this seems like min/maxing, but it has to be said:

Squires, Hunters, Priests, Merchants, Court Ladies, Hunters, and Nuns all get 24 total starting Attribute points (before you choose to add anything at creation). This is balanced. They all get 7 total starting points in Skills (again, before you choose to customize anything at creation) that is all balanced as well. BUT then we get to Weapon Proficiencies...and this is where there needs to be a balance somewhere! For example, Squires start with 216 total points while Priests get 122!

Do you want everyone to play Squires or what? I realize that Squires by profession should get more fighting skills than a Priest or Merchant, but not a Hunter (who only gets 167)! Also, if you are going to keep it that way, give Priests and Merchant extra starting Skill points to make it worth taking them. As it stands, I'd rather take an uber Squire, and slowly convert him to a Merchant or Priest down the road...Squires start with so much more!

I used as my resource.

Edit: I do see where Priests start with more Skill Points instead compared to Squires, but not sure that makes up for 100 Weapon Points?
Weapon points don't mean that much, you get a lot by using the skills and the differences quickly get made up.
But not all skills are entirely balanced. That priest is supposed to suck in combat, because he's intended to be leading a group. So early game, if you took a priest and a squire, both level one, and maxed out their armies with the same units, it would be a very even fight. The squire would be more powerful, but would have fewer followers. I think its fairly well balanced as is...each character just depends on how you want to play the game(early on mainly, because toward the end it doesn't really matter what you started with).
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