I hate to say it, but i preferred the older version of M&B. I find now with only getting one skill point every 2 levels of intelligence and not being able to upgrade your troops past an arbitary level dependent on your own, starting a new game is too difficult to be fun. In short, it has become a chore. Latter gameplay is fine, i just can not be bothered starting again each time a new patch comes out. I liked being able to raise an army quickly to beat off the inevitable early dark knight attack and i liked having my skill points in surgery, first aid and (the other healing one) which kept my men alive. Now every time i venture out i meet a pack of dark knights or sea raiders which whup all my peasants and leave me with nothing again. It's fun to have a good fight, but the restrictions on the skill points and troop upgrades mean than you run from most you meet. In fact the fights that you're supposed to take on, being those against small parties of bandits, can not be achieved bacause the bandits move quicker than your merry band of peasants so you never catch up.
OK.. Yes you do eventually get off the ground and establish your army and it is good when you can finally upgrade your men to horsemen (only you tend not to have the men ready to upgrade as they're all dead) and it is maybe more realistic because of this but it makes starting to game no fun (for me) and on a very serious note to the Devs, this will put potential customers off buying the game!
OK(2).. I know i can use cheats to advance levels etc, i just don't like doing it. It ruins my feel for my character and seriously detracts from the game. I may as well just be using an instant battle program instead.
Finally. I'm sorry i had to say all this, it's just been nagging me for a while and i don't mean and disrespect to the Dev's, they are doing a fantastic job (i consider this constructive criticism) it's just something i had to point out, from my perspective anyway.
Please don't all flame me for having an opinion (even if it seems rather negative to the great game). I just felt it needed saying (and maybe i'm in a bad mood )
OK.. Yes you do eventually get off the ground and establish your army and it is good when you can finally upgrade your men to horsemen (only you tend not to have the men ready to upgrade as they're all dead) and it is maybe more realistic because of this but it makes starting to game no fun (for me) and on a very serious note to the Devs, this will put potential customers off buying the game!
OK(2).. I know i can use cheats to advance levels etc, i just don't like doing it. It ruins my feel for my character and seriously detracts from the game. I may as well just be using an instant battle program instead.
Finally. I'm sorry i had to say all this, it's just been nagging me for a while and i don't mean and disrespect to the Dev's, they are doing a fantastic job (i consider this constructive criticism) it's just something i had to point out, from my perspective anyway.
Please don't all flame me for having an opinion (even if it seems rather negative to the great game). I just felt it needed saying (and maybe i'm in a bad mood )