Standard Native module download please?

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Could someone link me the standard Native module. Please, could someone upload the basic native module, that everyone has got, into filefront or send me via e-mail. U see i messed up with my native module when I replaced its files with modded files cause i wanted my savegames to work with the all fine features of the mod. It didn't work quite well, and damn I forgot to make a backup copy. So i'd need the native module if someone could be so kind... please?
It would be nice if someone did it though. If I knew how to do this I would but I'm afraid I don't.
I hope some very kind person would upload it to filefront or send it via e-mail. I can tell u my email address when someone says he's ready to help me. Its not a very challenging request... please, guys?
I agree with Captain lust, Reinstall your game, it should only take 10-15 minutes, and you'll be back at it in no time!
Does M&B have a "Keep saved games" option when uninstalled? I'm sure modules other than Native ("mods") are not deleted, and possibly their saved game files as well.
Bah they hosted on FileFront.

I messed up the files for Native...

Anyone care to send me one?
Can you copy the saved game files within the Saved games folder under documents into the same folder on a different computer then load up your game on the other computer?

Reason I'm asking is because I travel in my work, and right now I'm playing one game of M&B on desktop at home, and another game on laptop I bring with me the weeks I'm out of town. Would be cool if I could just bring the game from home with me on the laptop ^^

Not tried it yet, and I'm at work now so I can't really give it a try either.

Anyone who can confirm this?
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