SP - General StaceMcGate's suggestion list (large thread)

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Been active playing this game during break, and instead of continuing to create small threads about
minor mechanics of the game, I'd figured I'd compile a mega-thread of things of what I think the base game needs to succeed.

I'll update as patches roll out, but please reply if I do not. Also please inform me if I'm incorrect and the issue has already been addressed
as in work or that the team has outright said they will never implement.

EDITED 6/10/2021
  1. Character Creation
  2. Character Traits, Attributes and Skills
  3. Notebook
  4. Clan Management
  5. Conversations
  6. Recruiting
  7. Quests
  8. Caravans
  9. Gangs
  10. Workshops
  11. Raiding Villages and Caravans
  12. Party Management
  13. Battles
  14. Character Deaths and Wounds
  15. Economy
  16. Courtship and Marriage
  17. Events
  18. Settlements
  19. War, Diplomacy ,Peace, and Tribute
  20. Mercenaries
  21. Armies
  22. Sieges
  23. Kingdoms

I. Character Creation

I-A. Appearance

  • Additional hairstyles options.

  • Body tattoo and scarring options.

  • Additional face markings options.

I-B. Backstory

  • Parent’s occupations determine commoner or noble status.

  • Information on starting equipment.

  • Option to choose home settlement.

  • Sandbox Mode: Select up to two siblings of appropriate age to add to clan.

  • Can select a permanent handicap in the form of physical abnormality
Example: Disfigured, Maimed, Scarred or Personal Injury.

  • Backstory options should include negative traits.
Example: Devious, Closed-Fisted, Dishonest.

  • Character’s culture should have a base value of +5 with Clans of same culture
Base value of -5 with Clans of a different culture

I-C. Heraldry

  • Unlocked from start if Noble, Clan Tier 3 if Commoner.

  • More Heraldry options: Icons, Colors.

  • Option to import images from desktop or internet for your own Heraldry.

II. Character Traits, Attributes and Skills.

II-A. Traits

  • Allow the player to see accumulated trait points in the character bio.

  • Increase base relation bonus/penalty for having similar or conflicting traits.
Example: +/- 5 base relations per trait.

  • Provide notification of trait points gained or lost.

  • Provide more methods of accumulating Valor or Calculating points.
+10 Valor for winning a tournament
+25 Valor for clearing a bandit hideout
+10 Calculating for Caravan Ambush quest completion
+25 Calculating for Artisan Cannot Sell Goods quest completion

  • Add Positive or Negative physical traits
Disfigured: -1 Social point, -10% persuasion chance

Scarred: 5% increased persuasion chance when intimidating

Lame: -1 Intelligence point, 20% increased trade and barter penalty

Crippled: -1 Vigor, Control and Endurance points, 10% decreased melee and ranged damage, 20% reduced movement speed on foot.

Fertile: Increased chances of conceiving children, 20% increased relation gain
With NPCs of opposite sex.

  • Spouse’s character page should include an indicator of the percentage chance of conceiving a child.

II-B. Attributes

  • Attributes provide passive bonuses with each point assigned.

Vigor: 2% melee damage bonus per point.

Control: 5% ranged damage bonus per point.

Endurance: 0.20% increased chance of surviving lethal blows per point.

Cunning: 2% decreased chance of prisoner lords escaping from party, 3% chance of avoiding capture when defeated per point.

Social: 1% increased persuasion chance, 2% trade penalty reduction, and 2% reduced barter penalty per point.

Intelligence: 0.40% skill learning bonus for all skills per point.

II-C. Skill growth rate

  • Drastically reduce the SP requirements for Tactics, Trade Scouting, Engineering, Medicine, and Leadership.
  • Increase the SP gain for Charm when Companions improve relations with a notable.

II-D. Skill Learning Methods

  • Charm: Improving relations with an NPC, recruiting prisoners, successful bartering,
Festival & Games town project while governor, maintaining high loyalty as a governor.

  • Tactics: Conduct simulated battles, sacrifice troops to escape or break into settlements, lead a formation, friendly troops dealing damage, Train Militia town project while governor.

  • Trade: Buy products cheaply, sell products at a profit, maintaining profitable caravans and workshops, Leading a caravan, Villagers and Caravans entering a settlement while governor.

  • Scouting: Spot tracks, travel through difficult terrain, discover bandit hideouts, maintain high party speed, provide horses for foot troops.

  • Engineering: Build siege engines, Siege engines attacking settlement defense, using Siege weapons, Construction projects while governor, Build Housing town project while governor, Irrigation town project while governor.

  • Medicine: Wounds and deaths in combat, recovering from wounds, waiting in settlements or camp, Increase town prosperity while governor.

  • Leadership: Lead armies, maintain high morale, win battles against foes of equal strength, Win sieges, maintain high security while governor.

II-E. Skill Secondary Effects

  • Charm:
Increases prisoner conversation rate by 2 per 25 points.
Increases daily town loyalty gain by 0.20 per 25 points.

  • Scouting:
0.25% of foraging food per 25 points.

  • Leadership:
1 daily troop EXP per 25 points.

  • Smithing:
1 piece of damaged or worn Equipment/Weapon repaired daily per 25 points.

II-F. Resetting Skills

  • The player can reset assigned perks of themselves or companions at the training field location.
    The cost of doing so should be the characters' base level x 10,000 denars.

II-G Skill Perks

  • Trade Skill 300 perk, allowing the bartering of fiefs, should be replaced with a passive skill.
Suggestion: Increase workshop production by 2%, reduce trade penalty by 1%, and reduce Caravan upkeep by 2% per every skill point above 300.

III. Notebook

III-A. Character Relations

  • Remove individuals from the Friend and Rival tab
Display only friendly or hostile Clan Emblems.

III-B. Family Tree

  • Add a family tree infographic for Clans.

IV. Clan Management

IV-A. Clan Tier

  • Increase max clan rank from 6 to 8.

  • Scale renown gained from battle based on clan rank
Example: Renown gained from battle is decreased by 12% per Clan Tier

IV-B. Clan Roles

  • Add new Clan Role Trainer
The trainer will generate daily Vigor and Control skill points for character and party.
The effectiveness of the training is dependent on the Trainer’s proficiency in those skills. Skill points generated cannot exceed those of the Trainer.

  • Quartermaster role shows Steward proficiency, and not Trade.

  • Can assign Companions to other Clan Parties,

IV-C Clan Parties

  • When companions are assigned on quests, they will show as a separate party
And indicate the number of troops they have assigned.

  • When party stance is set to Defensive, that party cannot be recruited into
A non-character controlled Army.

  • Toggle whether parties will donate troops to garrisons or not.

  • When waiting in a settlement, companions can be ordered to form Caravans.

IV-D Camp

  • Re-introduce the Camp Mechanic
While waiting in a settlement, siege, or world map; the player can choose to enter the camp. The Camp will be a small series of tents in an enclosed area in which the character can interact with companions and decide supply distribution.

  • Options included in the Camp could include:
  1. Choosing which book to read while waiting.
  2. Conversing with companions, they will recite procedural dialog based on recent events and the player’s responses to them can improve relations and influence character traits.
  3. Deciding the daily rations. The player can select what food be consumed daily
And how much of it will be consumed.
  1. Inspecting horses and selecting which will be used for upgrading troops.
  2. Requesting to have a sparring match with a companion, choosing which weapons will be used.

V. Conversations

V-A Interacting with Nobles

  • Nobles will not engage in conversation with Players of a Commoner background
Until Clan Tier 3.
Commoners cannot investigate the main quest, offer Mercenary work, or request vassalage until Clan Tier 3.
Nobles can offer Mercenary work at Clan Rank 1, or request Vassalage at Clan Rank 2.

  • While as a vassal or King, the player can engage in unique dialog while in a war.

  1. Warn the Noble of an approaching army,
  2. Suggest potential villages to raid.
  3. Suggest potential settlements to siege.
  4. Suggest to defend a settlement.

The noble’s willingness to accept these suggestions or warning will be based on their clans
Relation with the player and their difference in Clan Rank.

VI. Recruiting

VI-A Notable Recruitment


  • Will not provide noble troops from notables.
  • Gang leaders should only provide bandit troops
These bandit troops will be based on the biome the settlement is in.


  • Noble troops are only provided by villages bound to castles.
These villages should have a special indicator to signify this.

  • Implement a unique notable for castles, Castellians
Castellians provide Tier 4+ noble troops, but only to the settlement owner.

VI-B Mercenary Recruitment

  • Mercenary Companies cannot recruit from villages, castles, or towns.
They instead replenish their troops while waiting in Taverns.
They will only recruit troops unique to their Company.

VII. Quests

VII-A Quest Scaling

  • Radiant quests from villagers and merchants should stop scaling after Clan Rank 3

  • Quests should not require more than 100 skills in Vigor, or 75 in Tactics/Trade/Roguery/Scouting/Leadership.

  • Clan Rank 3 should unlock more difficult quests from nobles or gang leaders

Noble Quest Examples:

  1. Rescuing a Clan Member from a dungeon
  2. Raiding territory
  3. Scouting enemy territory
  4. Defeating a lord in battle
  5. Capturing a lord
  6. Disrupting gang activity
  7. Extracting taxes from a settlement with loyalty
  8. Tutoring a young Clan Member
  9. Capture a settlement.

Gang Quest Examples:

1) Rob a caravan
2) Extort money from a merchant notable
3) Extort villagers
4) Sabotage a rival workshop
5) Kidnap a young lord for ransom
6) Rescue gang member from dungeon
7) Murder a notable

VII-B Quest Rewards

  • When asked to accept quests, display the rewards for completing them
This would include relation gains/decreases, SP gains, money, and personality trait gains.

VIII. Caravans

VIII-A Caravan Management

  • Allow the player to create a Caravan with 60 troops for 40,000 denars.

  • Allow the player to designate which Kingdom settlements for the Caravan party to avoid going to.

VIII-B Caravan Quests

  • For the quests Escort Caravan and Caravan Ambush, the player can interact with the Caravan and ask it to slow down or speed up its party speed.

IX. Gangs

IX-A Gang Activity

  • Gangs should impose penalties on their respective settlement based on the Power
Of the Gang Leader
Example: Powerful Gang Leaders impose -3 security, -5% tax, and -1 Loyalty to their settlement.

  • Clearing a Gang territory should reduce their power by -25 or -50

  • Improve the rewards for clearing territory

Initial Fight
+5 relations for all notables excluding the Gang attacked, +5 relations with Owner Clan
+5 Valor

Second Fight
+10 relations for ll notables excluding the Gang attacked, +10 relations with Owner clan
+10 Valor
3,000 to 10,000 Denars worth of trade goods and equipment/weapons

IX-B Taking control of Gangs

  • After winning the second fight and taking control of the territory, the Player can decide on whether to execute or release the Gang Leader.

  • If choosing to execute to Gang Leader, the player must confirm whether it is for justice
Or to take control

+50 Honor, -70 relations with the Gang Leader successor, +5 relations with notables and settlement owners.

-300 Honor, -40 relations with rival Gangs

  • After taking control, all territories come under the control of Player
The player will receive profits from Gang activity, but will receive periodic
Relationships decrease with town notables and settlement owners.

  • The player can assign a companion to run the activities of the Gang, increasing profits
And providing Roguery SP to the companion.

  • The player can now attack Rival Gangs to take over their territory, but they will no longer receive relation bonuses with notables for doing so.

  • Periodically, Rival Gangs will attempt to take over the players territory
A notification will appear and a quest will spawn
The player must wait in town for the rival gang to attack and defend themselves
If the player fails to defend or does not arrive to defend, the territory is lost.

  • The player can abdicate leadership of the Gang at any time, after which a new notable will spawn and assume responsibilities of territory ownership. Relations with this notable will be reset to base values.

X. Workshops

X-A Workshop ownership

  • Workshops generate their own unique EXP
EXP is generated as long as the workshop is profitable
The player can boost EXP gains by donating raw resources or providing Denars
Similar to settlement boosting.

  • Once a workshop levels up, it’s production increases by 20%
Max Level of 10.

  • Allow fast travel to Workshops by clicking on its icon in the Settlement Management tab.

XI. Raiding Villages and Caravans

XI-A Raiding Rewards

  • Increase the profits and rewards from raiding Villages substantially
Villages should provide 10,000 to 70,000 denars in goods for raiding.
After being raided, villages should take 14-21 days to recover.

  • Increase the profits from raiding Caravans substantially
Caravans should provide 20,000 to 40,000 Denars in goods for raiding.
Raided Caravans should provide a security penalty to their owner settlement.

XII. Party Management

XII-A Auto-Sort

  • Provide an auto-sort option for troops and prisoners
  1. Sort units by rank
  2. Sort units by formation
  3. Sort units by daily wage.

XII-B Formations

  • Lords require their own unique formation.
This formation would serve as the rear-guard to prevent early
Lord casualties. Similar to Battanian Fians, multiple spear infantry would remain with them to protect the Lords.

XIII. Battles

XIII-A Engaging in Battle

  • Change dialog of lords engaged in raiding, sieging, or pursuing to reflect their behavior. They are very clearly looking for a fight.

  • If the enemy lord is hopelessly outmatched, they should plead or request for a peaceful surrender. The party will disband and the Lord will be released.
    Doing this grants Mercy and Generous trait points.

  • Requesting a Duel
If engaging an enemy Army, the player can request a duel with the army commander to avoid bloodshed.
The player must then pass a persuasion check to convince the Army Commander to agree to this request.

If the player wins, the Army Commander may agree to retreat his army to the nearest friendly settlement and then disband.

If the player loses, the Army Commander will then proceed to attack the player’s party or army, during which the player’s side will suffer a morale penalty.

The Army Commander could also refuse to accept the outcome of the duel and proceed to attack. His army will suffer a morale penalty for not honoring the duel.

Attacking the Army after winning the duel will result in the loss of Honor and decrease relations with the Army Commander’s clan. Once the army disbands, the player is free to attack the hostile parties.

XIII-B Pre-Deployment Phase

  • Allow the player to manually place units before the battle commences
This would be accomplished from an eagle-eye view that allows for advance formation

XIII-C Battle Phase

  • Allow Tactical Pausing to assign orders during combat.

  • Provide notification of lord or companion deaths during combat
    Preferably with a corner pop-up accompanied by an audio cue.
  • Provide notification of mass retreats or formations breaking in allied or enemy parties.

  • Fix the Morale bug in which Cavalry units refuse to break and wander the battlefield long after the battle is lost.

  • Expand the distance in which Horse Archers approach enemy formations to prevent losses to collision with melee.

  • Melee Cavalry AI likes to charge head first into enemy formations or engage with infantry before allied forces are within range, this needs to be fixed. Cavalry should prioritize protecting flanks until enemy infantry/archer flanks are exposed.

XIII-D Post-Battle

  • Units that fled the battlefield on the losing party’s side should become hostile Deserter parties after battle.

  • If released after battle, some Lords will be resentful towards the battle for perceived shaming and the player will receive negative relation gains.

  • Lords may request a duel if captured, accepting the duel will provide Honor and Valor traits. No penalty for not accepting. The Lord will die in the duel if accepted. No clan relation penalty will be given for killing the lord in such a manner.

  • Parties should receive morale penalties for high casualties in battle.
25-50% wounded or dead -8 Morale
51-75% wounded or dead -12 Morale
76-99% wounded or dead -20 Morale

XIV. Character Deaths and Wounds

XIV-A Lethal Wounds

  • In the event that a character receives a lethal wound in combat, they may
Instead be in a dying or near-death state. A notification will appear on the campaign map after battle to indicate this.

That character will be at 0.1% Health and receive penalties to recovery rate.
The character must exceed 10% Health within a few days time or they will die.

XIV-B Battle Scarring
  • Add in a possibility for wounded lords or companions to receive physical traits after battle.
  1. Scarred
  2. Disfigured
  3. Maimed
  4. Lame

XIV-C Death and Morale Penalties

  • Death of a companion or clan member should impose a morale penalty on the players and fellow clan members' parties. This effect would not stack.

  1. Death of a family member -15 Morale for 7 days
  2. Death of a companion -5 Morale for 7 days.

This would apply to NPC Clans as well.

XIV-D Death and Clan Relations

  • Killing an NPC lord in combat should apply a -30 relation decrease with that Clan.

XIV-E Death and Dialog

  • NPC lords and companions should acknowledge when a clan member died and offer condolences.
Clans whose members you killed should be resentful and vengeful in their dialog towards the player.

XIV-F Funerals

  • The player can arrange funerals for dead clan members. Similar to a feast, the player will receive relation gains with clans who attend. The funeral will take place in one of the player’s settlements or a friendly faction settlement.

  • NPC clans whose members have died will also arrange funerals. The player will receive a prompt on whether they wish to attend if the clan is friendly towards the player. Accepting will generate a quest in which if they attend they will receive relation gains with all clans who attend.

XV. Economy

XV-A Equipment and Weapon Value

  • Equipment and Weapons should have their buy value reduced by 50%.

  • Selling Equipment and Weapons should have a 90% trade penalty.

  • Reduce Smithing Artisan Smith Perk from 50% to 20% reduced trade penalty.

XV-B Inflation

  • Inflation flatlines in game and does not fluctuate, The game needs to induce scarcity and demand for certain goods to curtail this in the form of events.

  1. Crop famines which raise the price and value of grain
  2. Forest fires or beetle infestation that raise the value of lumber
  3. Miner revolts which raise the value of Silver Ore and Jewelry
  4. Fashion trends which raise or lower the value of Fur, Linen, and Velvet

XVI. Courtship and Marriage

XVI-A Expanded Courtship Mechanics

  • Remove current persuasion check and implement actual Courtship


  1. Reciting Poetry
  2. Dedicating Tournaments
  3. Dinner Date Conversations
  4. Touring Settlements
  5. Horseback Riding in country-side

Successfully completing such events should raise affection and willingness to elope
The player can monitor their progress by viewing their potential spouse’s character bio.
After completion of various events, the player could ask for their hand in marriage.

XVI-B Rival Suitors

  • The player can learn of rival suitors from their potential spouse, tavern owners, or potential spouse’s family when asking for their permission.

  • The player can deter the rival suitor’s hand in multiple methods.

  1. Persuasion checking the Clan Head to convince you are the better match
  2. Persuasion checking potential spouse to reject suitor’s hand
  3. Persuasion checking rival suitor to give up their advances
  4. Requesting a duel with rival suitor

  • If the player is not proactive after learning of the rival suitor, they will lose out on their potential spouse

XVI-C Dowry

  • The bartering cost for marriage needs to reflect their status

  1. The difference in Clan Rank between player and spouse should increase or decrease the cost
  2. The barter cost should also include the funds for hosting the wedding.
  3. The success of courting your potential spouse should have a modifier on the cost.
  4. The number of Clan Members in a potential spouse’s clan should be a determining factor.
  5. The end cost should range from 40,000 to 250,000 denars.

XVI-D Wedding

  • Reintroduce the wedding event. After successfully arranging the marriage, a quest event should appear 7-10 days after making payments

  • Short cutscene, dialog prompts of exchanging vows, and relation gains with all Clans who attend.

XVII. Events

XVII-A Tournaments

  • Introduce more variety to Tournaments

  1. Archery Contest: The player must shoot as many targets as accurately as possible to qualify for each round. Reward would be a tier 4+ Long-Bow.

  1. Horse Racing: The Player and the AI hit waypoints along a track outside a settlement. Reward would be a Warhorse.

  1. Biathlon: Foot race and throwing contest: First to finish wins. Reward is tier 4+ Javelin or Hand-Axe.

  1. Brawling: No weapons, fist only combat of 1-on-1 matches. Reward is a tier 4+ piece of armor.

  1. Jousting: fence barrier between opponents. First to fall off a horse or knocked off horse loses. Reward is tier 4+ polearm.

  1. Horse Biathlon: Horse Race and Archery contest. First to hit all targets wins. Reward is a Warhorse or Tier 4+ Short-Bow.

  1. Grand-Melee: Teams face off with varied weaponry. Reward is a Tier 4+ Sword, Mace, or Axe.

XVII-B Settlement Events

  • Introduce randomly generated events that affect loyalty, prosperity, security, or buildings of a settlement.


  1. Earthquake: Reduces the level of 1-5 buildings based on severity.

  1. Disrepair: Reduces the level of 1 building.

  1. Peasant Revolt: Reduces loyalty and security of settlement daily until Peasant Army is defeated.

  1. Plague: Reduces prosperity and food production daily for 7-30 days.

  1. Famine: Food production of settlements is drastically reduced for 14-45 days.

XVIII. Settlements

XVIII-A Assigning Player as Governor

  • Add an option to the Keep sub-menu of player-owned settlements for the player to serve as Governor.

Will function identically to waiting in a settlement, except that the player will serve as Governor until they decide to stop resting.

XVIII-B Settlement Zone of Control

  • If a hostile party is within range of a settlement, the militia of that settlement should send its militia to engage the party. The militia sent out will be enough to defeat the party, and will not pursue past its zone.

XIX. War, Diplomacy ,Peace, and Tribute

XIX-A Declaring War

  • When proposing war, the player or AI will announce what their intentions are for doing so.


  1. Demand Tribute: The Kingdom seeks to extort tribute.
More likely to pass voting if the aggressor has more power
Less likely to have a prolonged war

  1. Expansion: The Kingdom seeks to capture settlements
More likely to pass voting if the aggressor is equal to or greater in power
And has vassals without fiefs.
More likely to have a prolonged war

  1. Reclaim territory: The Kingdom seeks to capture former settlements or settlements of similar culture.
More likely to pass voting if the aggressor has vassals without fiefs, is somewhat equal in power, or the target Kingdom is already in another war.
More likely to have a prolonged war

  1. Stop Threat: The Kingdom views their target as a global threat and wishes to stop their expansion.
More likely to pass voting if the target Kingdom is already engaged in another war.
Less likely to have a prolonged war.

XIX-B War Weariness

  • A negative modifier to apply to settlement and parties. Decreases loyalty, prosperity and party morale the longer a war goes on, casualties are inflicted, villages are raided, and settlements are sieged.

Kingdom has suffered 4000 casualties, 3 villages raided, and has lost a settlement.
Settlements suffer -2 Loyalty and -1 Prosperity per day, and Parties have a -5 morale penalty.

XIX-C Diplomacy Options

  • Add new proposals in the diplomacy tab for Kingdoms to vote on


  1. Non-Aggression: Guarantees 120 days of peace between Kingdoms

  1. Defensive Pact: Guarantees 240 days of peace between Kingdoms. Kingdoms will automatically propose Stop Threat war goals if an ally is attacked.

  1. Joint War: Simultaneous declaration of Demand Tribute by two kingdoms against a target.

XIX-D Peace

  • Once Peace is proposed and agreed upon, there will be a 60 day-truce period between the Kingdoms. Tribute is paid for the first 30 days of the truce.

XIX-E Tribute

  • Tribute should be a tax imposed on the defeated Kingdom in a war. The victor shall receive a cut based on the war score and balance of power at the signing of peace

Examples of Tribute:

  1. Low: 5% tax on villages, castles, and settlements is paid as tribute.
Clan Members are taxed 2% on the Denars they are carrying daily

  1. Medium: 15% tax on villages, castles, and settlements is paid as tribute.
    Clan Members are taxed 5% on the Denars they are carrying daily

  1. Heavy: 30% tax on villages, castles, and settlements is paid as tribute.
    Clan Members are taxed 10% on the Denars they are carrying daily

XX. Mercenaries

XX-A. Hiring Mercenaries

  • Mercenary Companies can be hired by interacting with any member on the field, or by hiring them as a King in the Clan tab.

XX-B Hiring Requirements/Restrictions

  • Limit of 3 Mercenary Companies per Kingdom

  • Hostile Mercenary Companies (Elefthori, Wolfkins, Hidden Hand, Etc) will not serve Kingdom cultures which they are at war with.

  • Mercenary Companies will not serve Kingdoms or a Clan with no fiefs.
If the Kingdom loses their last fief, the Mercenary Companies will end their contract.

XX-C Mercenary Contracts

  • Mercenary Companies require an upfront sum of 30,000 Denars. After which, they serve the Kingdom for 60 days before contracts will need to be renegotiated and the 30,000 Denars will have to be paid again.

  • Mercenary Companies will break their contract if the Kingdom has no fiefs or their daily wages cannot be paid.

XX-D Mercenary Member Death

  • If a member of the Mercenary Company is killed, they replace them with a Wanderer.

XX-E Joining a Mercenary Company

  • At Clan Tier 1, the player can join a Mercenary Company. They will be expected to serve for 60 days before they can leave. If they leave before their contract is over, they will receive -40 relations with that Company.

XX-F Forming a Mercenary Company

  • At Clan Tier 3, the player can form their own Mercenary Company. Limit to 1 per campaign.

  • The player will choose what culture they want their Company to be, and will be able to recruit those units at a tavern.

  • The player can assign a wanderer to the company, maximum of 4.
The wanderer will be permanently assigned to that company, and never be pulled out.

  • If the player chooses to leave the Company, a new leader will be assigned.

XXI. Armies

XXI-A Influence cost

  • Increases the influence cost of inviting parties to armies

Tier 2 Clan parties would be 10 influence
Tier 3 Clan parties would be 15 influence
Tier 4 Clan parties would be 20 influence
Tier 5 Clan parties would be 30 influence

  • Player Clan parties should cost influence the player and AI must pay in accordance with their Tier ranking.

XXI-B Influence Cost Multiplier

  • With each additional member called to an army, add a 10% influence cost.
An Army with 2 members invites a Tier 2 Clan party, they would now cost 11 influence.

  • Each time an army uses influence to increase cohesion, add a 5% influence cost modifier for each usage.

XXI-C Cohesion

  • Each starving member of an army incurs a -1 daily cohesion cost.

  • Battles incur a -5 cohesion cost after battle ends.

XXI-D Army Menu

  • Display Personality traits and how many days of food a prospective army member has when highlighted in the Army Manager.

XXII. Sieges

XXII-A Desertion and Surrendering

  • Once Settlement supplies are depleted, there should be a chance of the defender commander suing for peace

  • After settlement supplies are depleted, there should be a chance of a revolt among defenders if morale is low enough. They may attempt to escape the settlement, sabotaging defenses and opening the gate for the besieging army.

XXII-B Siege Engines

  • Siege Engines should have a chance of inflicting non-lethal wounded casualties.

  • Siege Engines of the settlement will fire on the Sieging army if they have no siege engines built.

  • Siege Engines of the settlement will fire on Battering Rams and Towers if no Defensive Siege Engines are built.

XXII-C AI Defenders

  • Settlement Defenders should fall back once the walls are breached and wall positions are overwhelmed or defeated. They should consolidate in front of the keep to make one final defense.

XXII-D Attacking Sieging Army on the Map

  • When attacked on the map, Sieging armies should spawn with defensive barricades, Cavalry spikes, and quiver barrels at their camp.

XXIII. Kingdoms

XXIII-A Kingdom Tier

  • Kingdoms should have a tier progression system, similar to Clan Rank
Kingdom Level would range from 3-8
All starting Kingdoms would start off Tier 3.

  • Renown gained from its vassals would contribute to Kingdom Tier progression.

  • Kingdom Tier progression would have several roles

  1. Number of policies the Kingdom can enact
  2. Number of Clans the Kingdom can have
  3. Number of settlements the Kingdom can manage
  4. Increases to Party size of Clans
  5. Bonuses towards Settlement growth

  • If the number of settlements exceeds the Kingdoms capacity, they will receive loyalty, security, and tax penalties

XXIII-B Policies

  • Impose a limit on number of policies that can be enacted at a time

  • Policies would have to be renewed annually and would be automatically put back up for a vote.

  • Policy approval should be based on several factors

  1. Clan Leader personality traits
  2. Status of settlements
  3. Relation with Ruling Clan
  4. Relation with other Kingdom Clans

XXIII-C Voting

  • Extend voting period from 48 hours to 128 hours

  • While proposals are up for vote, the player can utilize persuasion or bartering to get Clan heads to vote favorably towards what they wish.

  • Increase of number of Clan nominations for fief ownership from 3 to 5.

  • The Player can nominate themselves when the proposal is brought forth through influence.

XXIII-D Clan Relations

  • The Ruling Clan will receive periodic relation increases and decreases with vassals based on fief ownership

  1. +1 relation with vassal clan for each castle they own
  2. +5 relation with vassal clan for each town they own
  3. -10 relation with vassal clan if they own no fiefs

  • Ruling Clan will receive +/- 10 relation with each voter for their decision on matters
Increased to +/- 20 relation if they override the majority decision

  • Increase penalty for Clan decisions for using 20/60/100 influence to 5/15/30 respectively for the player as a vassal as well as AI Clans.

XXIII-E Internal Kingdom Rivalries

  • Rival clans may propose expelling or revoking fiefs of their rivals.

  • The King should expel or revoke fiefs from vassals they view as disloyal

XXIII-F Defections and Civil Wars

  • If a Clan has >= -20 relation with the ruler clan, they may leave the Kingdom
They may also defect to another Kingdom, in which case the Kingdom they defected
From will automatically declare a Reclaim Territory war on the Kingdom they defected too.

  • If enough clans are dissatisfied with the Ruler clan, a Tier 4+ Clan may instigate a civil war against the Kingdom.
These clans will form a new Kingdom together and declare an Expansion war on the Kingdom they are rebelling from.

XXIII-G Condition for Kingdom Eradication
  • If an AI Kingdom has no fiefs for 100 days, the Kingdom should dissolve and the Ruler Clan goes into exile. Remaining Non-Ruler Clans will become free agents or join with another Kingdom.

XXIII-H Kingdom Revival

  • If a rebellion occurs in a settlement with a similar culture to a Kingdom that was eradicated, the former Ruler Clan will claim that territory and recreate their fallen kingdom.
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