Stable party but companions are "downright appalled at choice of companions"

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I'm using the following party:

Agasicles  Athrwys  Bodero  Brian  Clovis  Eadwin  Eithne  Frioc  Inka  Lothar  Mihael  Orosio  Osmund  Ultan  5  6

This is supposed to be a stable party, yet Inka and Osmund, amongst a few others to a lesser extent, constantly tell me that they are going to leave, citing "downright appalled at choice of companions".

Inka and Osmund quite literally don't dislike (or like) anyone in my party, so what gives! Nor do anyone dislike Inka or Osmund. How can they find my companion choices "appalling"?

I did once have people in my party that they disliked but I've booted them since.

I'm at a lose of what to do, I've had to spend over 10k bribing them to stay with me, I ran a test to see if it ever changed, and even over a year they were still appalled.
What mod are you using?
What is your source for the stable party?
Reworked added in a bribe system that can override some instability.
For a party to be stable, each member has to like at least one other member.
Off the top of my head, Orosio and Bodero are usually associated with rogue parties.
I learned what the problem was. Inka,whilst she didn't have anyone in my party she dislike, carried her dislike penalty from when there was someone in the party who she disliked. I needed to get her to separate, then rejoin at a later date for it to reset. Then, as soon as someone she dislikes who I was neutral on siding with, joins my party, she'll regain the negative penalty, regardless of whether they're still in my party, until she leaves and rejoins again.
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