Squad Multiplayer

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diomedesbc said:
...Is awesome! Great new addition, it is way more fun with a squad I find.  There is a lot to positioning your troops.

Hmm you must be good cause i find it hard to command a squad without a map.
If you get lost order your dudes to charge and then follow you. They'll start running towards the nearest enemy. Alternatively play as melee or cav and positioning becomes a matter of finding an oblique line of approach to enemy muskets.

Wish other players would use hold fire to reposition their muskets because, protip, maximum range ain't the effective range. Also important to order hold fire and charge when enemy melee engage or your dudes will die when hit while reloading, or have to figt alone and get overwhelmed one by one. will die in melee if these orders aren't given, and own if they are. Hugely irritating when people don't put em behind cover.  Reducing the targetable area by 50-70% massively increases the odds of friendly muskets in a firefight.

So, uh, yeah. Muskets are really popular right now, even though they require the most micro to use well. Novelty eh? Cav requires the most situational and positional knowledge; an ignorant cav player might get one company, a good one can trash an entire musket line long enough for pikes to close unhindered.

Meanwhile pikes are effective with minimal micro and are "hard" against most targets; they'll do ok against enemy pikes, wipe enemy cav and if they survive approach will also wipe muskets. They also don't require as much pos/sit as cav. Despite which, and despite the frequency with which melee players top the board, they are rarely played.

So color me confused.

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