Sprinting backwards

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Is it just me or can i run faster forwards than backwards? Cus when i'm charging some poor crossbowman with my sword out and hacking he happily backs off and pokes me with his spear....running as fast as i can!!!!

In real life you run much faster forwards than backwards....so i should be able to get to him with my sword instead of having him back off..... it would make combats much better if you both stood there and attack each other instead of both running in one direction or another at exactly the same speed.....it's just like an immobile combat but moving ffs!

It also renders my fast but small knife ineffective.....making my archer with backup knife completely useless.

Just a thought......feel free to comment!
Er, you DO move faster running forwards, however the other troops have a higher agility then you, at least until you have leveled up quite a bit.
That is true enough PrinceScamp, but he has a point that we can move rather fast backwards. I don't mind moving fast to the sides, but backwards is odd. You balance is very off when running backwards, fighting at the same time would be directly dangerous as you might fall over from overbalance.

So either (for me), we can run backwards rather fast, but not fight (though still defend), or else we can only move back at the speed of walking and still fight.
Preferably I would like both atthe same time, so that when you start to attack you slow down to a walk, and when the attack is over you have half a second or so and then you run again.
Well, the speed at which they back up can hardly be said as 'running'.. I would think that in real life, it is pretty simple to back-pedal at the speed which is shown in the game.... Just what I would think
Running backwards at fairly high speeds is quite possible in real life, and not that difficult with a little concentration. I've done it before.
The problem comes when you need to slow down and stop..... That's where you end up falling over backwards and whacking your head. Not that I've done that or anything. :oops:
But you don't sprint anywhere in game... At current speeds I don't see a problem with this ::razz:
Yes, it is possible to run fairly fast backwards on prepared grounds, but we are talking about more or less everything here. Chances are you would stumble quite fast out there. Most people know that and tend to not move as fast as possible. If they try to get away they turn around and run for it, if they evade backwards it is only for a few steps.

But my main point was that is is far too hard to fight while running backwards for us to actually use it. You need to concentrate on running, so the fighting will not only unbalance you (imagine missing your target) but you will be doing it at a bad concentration.

As it is in the game it is as natural as picking your nose. That is simply not how it is out here.
We should also look into accounts that humans are capable for quick short movements backwards, although sprinting is not possible. Personally I find nothing wrong with the current system, and find that games where the speeds forward / backwards / side are not equal, a mojor annoyance to control.. (you don't always sprint when you are moving forwards either)..

What CAN be added, is a 'sprint' button which would make you sprint forward but otherwise would not function when u are moving back or sideways. This has been successful with quite a number of games, and it does not put any hinderance on the movement issue..
When fighting, you can move in pretty much any direction at about the same speed, obstacles permitting. This is nowhere near the speed at which you can 'sprint' however. M&B simply does not provide a distinction between moving, and moving+fighting. Not to mention the fact that your attacks are made only directly forward from the direction your character is facing when in reality you have a huge range of motion, not considering footwork allowing you to attack along a wide range of angles.
Volkier said:
We should also look into accounts that humans are capable for quick short movements backwards, although sprinting is not possible. Personally I find nothing wrong with the current system, and find that games where the speeds forward / backwards / side are not equal, a mojor annoyance to control.. (you don't always sprint when you are moving forwards either)..

What CAN be added, is a 'sprint' button which would make you sprint forward but otherwise would not function when u are moving back or sideways. This has been successful with quite a number of games, and it does not put any hinderance on the movement issue..

So long as a fatigue factor is considered... maybe make that directly linked to athletics instead of overall speed?
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