Spirited charger

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How would I use the editor to increase the abundance of a paticular quality item? I want to get a spirited charger but I can't seem to find one. Could I create a unique charger with spirited atributes and hope I found it?
You could give it to a party, kill them, and then take it. Or you could edit the game so that every character you make starts out with one.
Or, you unregistered, unknowning people, you could simply lower the price of it. The lower the price is, the greater the chance of finding it. However, unless you start a new game, a 1-day period (in-game time) must pass before you hope to find it in stock.
...Can't you just increase the abundance value directly? It'll net you more Chargers, and thus more chances to find a Spirited Charger.


you can uncheck every prefix available for chargers except for "Spirited." Thus, you have only normal and spirited to choose from.

Or do both.
I think the quickest way would be to give it to a part.

If you tak on the spirited attribute, even if you drop the price (which seem to convey the abundance of the item) you'll have to look around until you find one with the spirited attrib.

It might be best to make a new horse with the attributes you want and make it's price 1.
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