Watched it with a couple of friends, and they were pretty amused by how often I kept rolling my eyes.
A couple of points:
1) When you're in a scrap, nobody's going to stand around and brace themselves against an attempted amputation.
2) Stop the dickwaving. The samurai is Asian, he has a smaller ****. 'nuff said.
3) Get on with the facts. Don't advertise that you're going with fact when it's all about opinion.
3) Hire some decent chaps. The Asian samurai guy was an uneducated twat who was trying to hard to be awesome. The Viking re-enactors looked like they knew their stuff, but the greataxe? Pfah.
4) Get the time periods right. And please, please, don't spout uneducated crap without knowing what you're talking about.
5) Pit the right people against each other. Tribal skirmisher against professional entertainer? Raider against feudal elite?
6) Bring formations into the equation. Major disagreements are usually decided by battle, not by duelling.