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not sure if you've seen this stuff:


there's some videos showing all sorts of weapons, and their statistics.

and here's the full episode:

CountArtha said:
Campy.  Very campy.

hehe, the buildup is great, but the fight is very campy, yes. i've read lots of stuff about "swords can't cut through bone, executioners had trouble cutting peoples heads off, therefore its not possible,
and in this show you got people slicing through 2 pig spines, armour penetrating capabilities of spears, etc.
which is why this show is interesting, because it shows the effects these weapons have on people.
but i'd have liked to see them throw the viking spears at the samurai armour.

i do think spoony is right too. this show could be done in another way and be more interesting. but its still decent for what it is.
That's because their tests are horribly flawed. Dead bone is far more brittle than living bone, they secure it so it won't move in response to the blow, unlike an actual person, and the spine is relatively easier to separate due to it's construction.
Thanks for posting that link, I had good fun watching that, haha. It was absolutely hilarious even though it was pants on head retarded. They were all weird violence nerds it was freaky : "oooooh myyyy gooooood".. the doctor was the only sane person on the whole show. but it made for a good 40 minutes escape from boredom haha. Faramir's obviously not getting alot of work .. I used to think he was cool.

-Edit- And after reading that article Merlkir, I totally agree with what Spoony is saying. Much amusement.
Archonsod said:
That's because their tests are horribly flawed.
Yes, indeed. I watched the one where it was Apache versus a Roman gladiator and for one of the tests they used an arm with ballistics gel for the gladiator weapon and a skull without ballistics gel for the Apache weapon. How the **** does that make sense?
Just watched that episode, and BTW Spoony is absolutely right, and how on earth can they know that all samurai were 5'3", that they all weighed 135lbs and that all their gear weighed 65lbs???
Sushiman70 said:
Just watched that episode, and BTW Spoony is absolutely right, and how on earth can they know that all samurai were 5'3", that they all weighed 135lbs and that all their gear weighed 65lbs???
That episode was such a ****-waving contest. But then again aren't all the episodes like that.
We could post that episode in the "Viking versus Samurai" thread here and maybe the frequent posters in that thread will fall for it and shut up realizing that "teh sciences haz spokenn!" :razz:
Papa Lazarou said:
And there's no science in that show, though I guess the noobs over there wouldn't know the difference (bless them).

i liked how they attached accelerometers onto stuff, and let those guys swing away. you'd get numbers that could be used in calculating if a weapon would have to force to cut through a specific type of armour, instead of just going by gut feeling, and "what feels right"
Watched it with a couple of friends, and they were pretty amused by how often I kept rolling my eyes.

A couple of points:

1) When you're in a scrap, nobody's going to stand around and brace themselves against an attempted amputation.

2) Stop the dickwaving. The samurai is Asian, he has a smaller ****. 'nuff said. :razz:

3) Get on with the facts. Don't advertise that you're going with fact when it's all about opinion.

3) Hire some decent chaps. The Asian samurai guy was an uneducated twat who was trying to hard to be awesome. The Viking re-enactors looked like they knew their stuff, but the greataxe? Pfah.

4) Get the time periods right. And please, please, don't spout uneducated crap without knowing what you're talking about.

5) Pit the right people against each other. Tribal skirmisher against professional entertainer? Raider against feudal elite?

6) Bring formations into the equation. Major disagreements are usually decided by battle, not by duelling.
Merlkir said:
Papa Lazarou said:
Faramir's obviously not getting alot of work .. I used to think he was cool.
Actually it's not even the same guy. Just a ripoff haha.

Actually it's David Wenham, the same guy, haha.

I'd be gladdened if it wasnt David Wenham, not only because I think he's a good actor, but because he is an aussie and unless he was being a completely pretentious idiot or the people at the exceedingly high budget production company (???) that produced DEADLIEST WARRIORRRR paid him a ton of cash to sell his own soul and narrate a program in the voice of Delios "painted-abs" Spartan #298. To which I would have replied, no, **** off, and when you get there, **** off!

Edit- oh god it is David Wenham! -3xfacepalm-
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