Spiderman of Calradia

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That's what i've been calling myself lately [i'm cool] because i've been jumping from rooftop to rooftop in the major cities. This thread is meant for someone to take my self-proclaimed title by posting screenshots of the craziest places they've glitched themselves into in Calradia. As soon as I figure out how to do screenshots and post them [help pleez] I will show you guys the places i've managed to get to. So far I've thoroughly explored Rivacheg, Praven, Jelkala, and Yalen and have managed to find new places in all of them.

Do it.

And can someone explain how to take and post screenshots.
ctrl+insert to take pictures in-game, then make a photobucket account or something, go to your documents folder, press mount and blade screenshots, if your taking screenies on a mod, it'll be under the mod's name, if not, in Native. Click on one, or, if your going to upload multiple screenies, press ctrl and select, then select as many as you want. Then, once you have all the pic's uploaded, and, if you wish, named, simply move your mouse over a picture in the main menu thing of your photobucket account, then simply copy the code at the bottom, then place it in your comment before you post. It should already be in the image-showing format when you place it.

Hope that helps.
horses. true, i haven't tried that.

I do remember when I first bought the game almost a year ago that I was completely baffled as to how to get on the Cities' ramparts. I was then so downtrodden when i found you couldn't. Now I'm all happy since i found you can get up on quite a few ramparts.

thanks tib. i'll try it right now
I always enjoyed jumping onto village straw huts with my horse. :razz: In real life I'd probably fall through and kill the occupants inside.
alright here are the first batch of screens of my roof top exploits.

the way out of Yalen

good view of city from hill next to the lords hall

on the gatehouse ramparts

the way onto the ramparts at Rivacheg. just jump onto the well then onto the building.

on walls of Rivacheg

little bug i encountered trying to get back in. i'm actually climbing the face of the wall and am about 20 ft in the air. i couldn't get all the way up though.

i couldn't get to the other side of Rivacheg or on top of the gatehouse.

Please people put your own up as well. You can do Castles and villages as well as Towns.
How in god's name did you get up there, killer? and in which city is that.

I have a lot of studying to do today so i won't get a chance to fire up M&B, but expect more screenies tomorrow afternoon.

I will not let this thread die. lolz
VinDogg said:
How in god's name did you get up there, killer? and in which city is that.

I have a lot of studying to do today so i won't get a chance to fire up M&B, but expect more screenies tomorrow afternoon.

I will not let this thread die. lolz
my little secret.  :cool:
its actually how i found out about strange armour far before i entered the forum.

i was like. Yaay! What I'm doing is unusual and special!  :razz: but then when i found the chest i figured it ain't that special.  :neutral:
I apologize for letting this thread die. About a week ago my laptop's ac power port thingy felt like breaking. The chargers status light was on but my computer didn't know it was plugged in. So me being really smart I said "How hard could this be to fix yourself?". Needless to say I not only failed, but managed to disconnect the tracker pad and keyboard.

So my laptop is out of action and probably will be until at least June meaning I cannot go around anymore cities and be spiderman. FML. ahah.
Hmm... It has to be from Calradia? :razz: I have had much fun jumping around Taleras (In Chronicles of Talera mod, if someone didn't understand...) cities. :lol:
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