Spiderkin: new creature discussion

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I am daring enough to start a new thread with my first ever "fully created" creature model (I did parts before but I've never done a single armor/set).
Welcome Spiderkin, evil women who twisted their bodies through dark rituals and became native with their semi-goddess "Great Mother", a huge underground spider who dwells somewhere under dark forests where nobody dares to go. These evil creatures spill the blood of their victims to prolong their own lifespan and with each year they become more and more ugly and dangerous.

I'd like community to discuss possible stats/weapons/abilities and party stats for these vile creatures. I want them to be challenging, it's more fun to fight them then.

Current proposals:

Level: n/a

Str:  n/a
Agi:  n/a
Int:  n/a
Char: n/a

Hp:  n/a

Skills: n/a

Proficiency: 1h/weapons 150 ; throwing 150

Inventory: helmet, armor, boots, gloves - from model, for the "spiderkin" look.
Weapons: 1) Invisible 1h blade, to simulate "claw" attack; 2) Invisible throwing weapon, with web-like model for a flying ammo and possible stun effect.

Images (they are not supposed to have weapons, these are just from placeholder troops for the images):




make them have like 10 deep lungs (Agility). strength should be like 4 or 5 in power strike and like 3 in armour. Intelligence and charisma i dont really care about. its hp should be high to make up for lack of strength. i dont know just suggesting nice creation
Would it be possible to give them a poison attack that deals a "damage over time" effect or the ability to damage their target's strength or agility? If that's possible, then I'd say keep their hit points low and make them really fast. Make their armor weightless and give them a high agility and athletics score; that should make them very dreaded foes. If their going to be bandits, you could also give them a high spotting and path finding value as well.

As for the unit itself, have you considered having upgrades for them? You could change the eye color and the highlights, symbolizing their rank. I think red eyes would make them very creepy looking, especially at night.
I didn't try to model different bodyparts yet, but it's easy to change texture. A few texture variations for different abilities (poisoning, webbing etc.) sounds funny.

We already have stunning arrows so I think it's possible for coders to apply the same code for a throwing web.

I am going to model minotaur next. I think factions in this mod are nicely developed but it lacks various "minor" monsters, I am tired of fighting barbarians everywhere.
Chris119119 said:
make them have like 10 deep lungs (Agility). strength should be like 4 or 5 in power strike and like 3 in armour. Intelligence and charisma i dont really care about. its hp should be high to make up for lack of strength. i dont know just suggesting nice creation

I think going over the top is dangerous for any creation. We want them to be tough but not unkillable. They should have at least 1 weakness - be it their speed or toughness. Agility at the most should be 7-8, perhaps. I guess we could be creative and make certain parts of them vulnerable - for example, lower the armour of their helmets...etc

Elenmmare said:
Chris119119 said:
make them have like 10 deep lungs (Agility). strength should be like 4 or 5 in power strike and like 3 in armour. Intelligence and charisma i dont really care about. its hp should be high to make up for lack of strength. i dont know just suggesting nice creation

I think going over the top is dangerous for any creation. We want them to be tough but not unkillable. They should have at least 1 weakness - be it their speed or toughness. Agility at the most should be 7-8, perhaps. I guess we could be creative and make certain parts of them vulnerable - for example, lower the armour of their helmets...etc

but it would have low str and like 10-15 deep lung (Imagine your horse getting out run) and they would ony be in small group of like 10 or something
Wouldn't work no matter what. You can't catch 10-men armies when you have more men yourself.
Speed/toughness issues are easily solvable due to stupid ai. They have no shields, so they need high speed. Also they are supposed to wear light armor (no heavy helmets etc.) so their armor is close to chainmail by blocking power (enchanted spider chitine skin which is sturdy and light), but their head is much less protected. They need quite high agility to compensate their small parties (max 30-40 creatures). You can easily hire 40-50 archers from the start (those of planelords) and just hold position on a hill and stand before them, catching first enemies. This tactic kills almost anything that has no shield.
Nice, Here's a few things for you...

Spiders are naturally agile predators. However their weakness are their soft insides. So i would suggest low-medium armor for head, medium for body and extremely low - low for leg armor. This should simulate their tough chitin armor but weaker limbs.

Party should have a higher speed than bandits but lower than crusaders. Party should have around 20-40 and since they do not possess any cavalry, That's a reasonable number, same like how crusaders on foot are breakfast for most people.

Make their armor weight 0 for all. We need all the agility we can get.

Make them have maybe a 8 in weapon mastery, that would increase their attack speed.

Put in a 8 for athletics as well. 8 not 10 because we can't have them outrunning ferons, who are supposed to run the fastest.

maybe a 4-6 for power strike and 3 for power throw.

for the ranged weapon, i would suggest you animate it like a javelin. The web should not be a problem, but you should make it reasonably large to trick people into being scared of them.

HP : around 55
Str : around 9
agility : around 20
int char : not required to work.

I'll include the 'aim for ze legs!!!" hint in the next release. We've got a lot of open 'hint' slots to fill.
Hit the legs enough and they get a speed penalty :smile:

Wrong game. Sorry :oops:

You can easily hire 40-50 archers from the start (those of planelords) and just hold position on a hill and stand before them, catching first enemies.

Not everyone plays Planelords. I probably would allow myself to hire them as Aselath perhaps, but I'm not going to recruit them when I'm BP (Enemies. Besides, you don't join the Undead alive. Wish it was the same for your character), Feron (Enemies of the Planelords), Illoriaon (Heathens / Heretics (What's the right term again?) in your Army? Are you mad?).

While some Factions can of course have more difficulty against them then others, they must be possible for all.
i still would want them to be fast tanks maybe like u can make them the black knights or romans (Like in SOD or native expansion) they could be like a threat to civilization and maybe u could make them have minotuars and demons with them make it like the armys from hell
If poisonous attacks can be implemented, you could add a black widow's hourglass to the back of the poisonous ones. It'd be a good hint as to which ones you really want to avoid melee with, as well as looking really cool. Black Widow spiders are also really hard to kill (I once had to nail one several times with a shovel before it died), so you may want to boost their HP as well.
Chris119119 said:
i still would want them to be fast tanks maybe like u can make them the black knights or romans (Like in SOD or native expansion) they could be like a threat to civilization and maybe u could make them have minotuars and demons with them make it like the armys from hell

I am currently working on minotaur models :smile:. I am not sure about "hell" in Talera lore, but some wicked spiderkin hoarding minotaur slaves... Why not? :smile:
I think it would be extraordinarily cool to give them a very high party speed, but, if possible, keep their parties in 'wait' mode.  If so, you could have them lurk in certain areas (away from bottlenecks) and should an unwary party get too close they could pounce.  This would enable beginner parties to avoid them (as long as they are careful), or at least make a run to a nearby city or town.

The wait and pounce seems very spidery to me.
maybe you should make their bodies slightly bulkier if possible, around the waist. Though (no offence intended) the texture looks like the suit spiderman and venom's child would be wearing if they decided to make a baby.
Why should I make the bodies bulkier around the waist? They have woman's body, that's why waist is visually thinner than shoulders and thighs.
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