Spent quiver / throwing weapons = lower encumbrance

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Quiver / throwing weapon regeneration struck me as odd at first; it makes more sense with retrievable throwing weapons, but very few arrows are likely to be reusable. I thought they should be cheaper and depletable.

Anyway, treating both as single inventory objects instead of a stack makes them weigh just as much empty as full. Why am I still encumbered by the 8 jarid that are now sticking out of my enemies at various angles? It doesn't make sense. If I am no longer carrying the objects, they should not weigh me down.

I realize I can visit the stash to swap them out, but it still doesn't make sense that I'm encumbered just as much on my way back to the stash as I was charging into battle (I'm %95 footbound).

Using the current one object system, I propose that empty quivers / throwing weapons only encumber the player with a weight of 1 until replenished.
I think it would make perfect sense to have empty arrows/bolts/stones/daggers/etc. weight nothing at all.
They're not there, why should they still weight so much?
Weight = 1 accounts for the quiver; only the objects held by the quiver are no longer encumbering you. I don't know what carrying system is used for all those throwing weapons, but I like to think there is one instead of them beaming into my hands from ye olde ethereal weapon slot...
Quiver / throwing weapon regeneration struck me as odd at first; it makes more sense with retrievable throwing weapons, but very few arrows are likely to be reusable. I thought they should be cheaper and depletable.
Wrong! While I agree that not 100% of arrows should be retrieveable (and I've already posted a suggestion on that), it's rather historical that archers, after the fight, went around and carved the arrows out of bodies of people and horses, or collected them from the ground. Of course, some of them would be lost, but if enemies got bows too, winning side should really have no problems with arrows.
So, current situation is not 100% realistic, but not 100% unrealistic, and it does affect gameplay in a good way, so it's allright.
My idea, though, to buy cheap arrows in large bundles, and after the combat they'll automatically refill emptied quivers.
Actually, according to what I read the Norman Archers in the Battle of Hastings had great problems BECAUSE the English had no archers... seems like it was normal to use the enemies arrows against them in longer battles.
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