Spectator mode upon KO in battle

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So I feel somewhat forced into playing a ranged class, or at the very least never leading the charge, because once I go down the battle is over.

This is a huge problem for a number of reasons:

1.  In standard engagements, all my troop positioning goes out the window.  Very frustrating.  What's the point of setting up a nice kill zone if the battle is just gonna end prematurely if I go down. 

2.  In quest engagements, I flat out lose, even if I had 6 Huscarls left and they had one bandit or something who managed to get a lucky head shot.  Ugh!

So my request is that the battle simply keeps going, and I get to be a spectator and watch my troops kick butt (or get their butts kicked).  Obviously, I would no longer be able to give orders  (Or perhaps you could give orders if you still had a hero that was active and had a certain amount of tactics skill).  If desired, you could hit tab which would allow you to jump to the tactical decision screen where you direct your troops (basically, what happens automatically now).

Note:  I did find a short thread along these lines, but it was a bit of a mess, so I figured I'd just start a new one.
yes, they should implement that in native, but in the meantime I recommend using a mod, I'm playing with the diplomacy mod, the nice thing about it is that it's compatible with native saves, so you can just continue your game with the added features.

it also has a lot of other useful features in addition to the spectator thing btw.
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