Sergeant Knight
Any case, all of this thanksgiving stuff kinda made me think regarding special occasions in M&B. Currently there is none, BUT you have exact day (day 23 blah blah blah) from the start of the game. I was thinking that perhaps there could be some forms of 'occasions' or 'special days' ? For example, vaegirs could celebrate the birthday of their king on say Day 40 of every year in Reyvadin, (capital of vaegirs right?), maybe 'full moon' festival in khudan on day 30 of every year and so on. These occasions would provide a chance for special 'encounters / quests / items' within those cities, and since they only happen once a year, getting them would be pretty much unique. Basically you would have to study the caladria calendar (of whatever the name of M&B world is), and go to the places where such festivals are held on time, to recieve the benefits. Features like jousting tournamets, maybe once a month, winner walks away with some form of unique reward, can be implimented, (examples are infinite: special quests given on a certain day, massive battle which you can join as a troop rather than a commander on certain day, plain festival in an inn, where you can recruit unique units, horse fair where you can get unique horses etc. etc. etc.) and it would actually draw people more into the game since there would be an actual 'timeline' in M&B rather than just 'day / night' shift.
Since a certain day triggers such an event (if the player is in appropriate location) , I would think that it would not be difficult to impliment since u can add an event at a time, without having to change much in the world. (but obviously Armagan would know if thats possible better than anyone else). This would also work towards the suggestion of 'unique not-easy-to-get-items' which I seen pop up a few times...
EDIT - changed rivacheg to reyvadin, thanx prince, always confused between those 2 : (Pokes prince again... - couldnt resist temptation :)
Since a certain day triggers such an event (if the player is in appropriate location) , I would think that it would not be difficult to impliment since u can add an event at a time, without having to change much in the world. (but obviously Armagan would know if thats possible better than anyone else). This would also work towards the suggestion of 'unique not-easy-to-get-items' which I seen pop up a few times...
EDIT - changed rivacheg to reyvadin, thanx prince, always confused between those 2 : (Pokes prince again... - couldnt resist temptation :)