
Is there any central place where we can see all of the special key functions added in like:
1) In the siege menu press P,I, or C and you can change equipment, party composition, etc(this is awesome, change out of your light skirmish gear into your heavy siege gear without breaking the siege)
2)Battlefield tatics use J to order your troops to form ranks, K to order a wedge, U to bring them out of formation, or P to order them to form a line.(cool)
Those are the only ones I know about are there more? Is there a place where we can easily view these cool commands? I found them in the release notes, but I was just skimming one topic but I that was only for version 4.1 and thusly only listed version 4.1 updates. If there were command keys implemented before 4.1, where can I look them up? Is there a readme, or something like that where there might be a quick reference on non-native commands. Probably easy to find, forum post I missed or something dumb like that.
P.S. This mod is a masterpiece, keep up the good work guys
1) In the siege menu press P,I, or C and you can change equipment, party composition, etc(this is awesome, change out of your light skirmish gear into your heavy siege gear without breaking the siege)
2)Battlefield tatics use J to order your troops to form ranks, K to order a wedge, U to bring them out of formation, or P to order them to form a line.(cool)
Those are the only ones I know about are there more? Is there a place where we can easily view these cool commands? I found them in the release notes, but I was just skimming one topic but I that was only for version 4.1 and thusly only listed version 4.1 updates. If there were command keys implemented before 4.1, where can I look them up? Is there a readme, or something like that where there might be a quick reference on non-native commands. Probably easy to find, forum post I missed or something dumb like that.
P.S. This mod is a masterpiece, keep up the good work guys