Special key functions

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Is there any central place where we can see all of the special key functions added in like:

1) In the siege menu press P,I, or C and you can change equipment, party composition, etc(this is awesome, change out of your light skirmish gear into your heavy siege gear without breaking the siege)

2)Battlefield tatics use J to order your troops to form ranks, K to order a wedge, U to bring them out of formation, or P to order them to form a line.(cool)


Those are the only ones I know about are there more?  Is there a place where we can easily view these cool commands?  I found them in the release notes, but I was just skimming one topic but I that was only for version 4.1 and thusly only listed version 4.1 updates.  If there were command keys implemented before 4.1, where can I look them up?  Is there a readme, or something like that where there might be a quick reference on non-native commands.  Probably easy to find, forum post I missed or something dumb like that.

P.S. This mod is a masterpiece, keep up the good work guys
gypsydevil said:
Not talking are we.....let's see how you all like....THE COMFY PILLOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Most people are very busy at the moment in RL.  Just give your question some time and a response will follow...don't worry.    :wink:

Holy ... I never would have figured the one with P I and C during sieges!
This thread so far is very informative :grin:
Press space after you die in battle and then move with W S A D around battlefield (shift+key fast movement). I.e.

And I'm only responding because i fear comfy chair and soft cushions.
i have 4.1 and the key functions dont work like in a siege i will hit I and it says cannot access inventory and nobody listens to me like when ever i world do infintray hear, follow me they just stand there i cant move anybody while in a siege and in a normal battle the formations dont word :sad: anybody know why???
Eh I think you got it wrong. The "I" key doesn't really work in a siege, but in the menu window where you choose "Prepare ladders to attack" or "Lead your soldiers in an attack" and such. In the siege itself it doesn't work because that would make them too easy.

As for controlling your men in a siege, you cannot do it when you're using a siege tower, not before the tower ladder has succesfully been attached to the walls. That's the part of the original M&B as well as Sword of Damocles.

As for the advanced formations in SoD, you can use them only on open field, because your army has enough room to maneuver. In sieges, there are walls, and your army would either get stuck, or fall of the wall if you ordered them to make a formation, therefore the advanced formations have been completely disabled for sieges. Also the AI seems to have some checkpoints on every siege map, so moving them around isn't very easy. Your best bet is "Charge!" and hope that you win.
vonmistont said:
Press space after you die in battle and then move with W S A D around battlefield (shift+key fast movement). I.e.

And I'm only responding because i fear comfy chair and soft cushions.

Aha! Proof he's still alive, the evil work hasn't vanquished our modmaking hero!

I had forgotten about the existence of these keys and the ability to move the camera around on the battlefield after being knocked out, Ill have to try them out.
Elmfuzzy said:
no when im in an open field the formations still dont work :!: :?: :!:

There is an option in the camp menu to turn them off, so maybe you did that. I don't know if it changes to "Turn them on" after you chose it, but you may aswell try to see if it is.

OR by open field you mean the field in front of the castle. If that's the case, just wanna mention that they aren't supposed to work there, because they're turned off during sieges completely.

Other than that I don't know what might be the problem.
there no option in the camp menu and i cant find the sword of damocles folder in the modules folder but some how its there when you start the gameand you chose what your going play like native or 1257 AD and other mods  alsoi downloaded the 4.1 mod like 3 weeks ago and i couldnt find iteither (i extracted both to the modules folder) and the option to do 4.1 didnt pop up till yesterday in the menu do you have any idea where the folders are located aand if i can take my save game from sword of damocles and put it on sword of damocles - 4.1? this is really messed up
vonmistont said:
Press space after you die in battle and then move with W S A D around battlefield (shift+key fast movement). I.e.

And I'm only responding because i fear comfy chair and soft cushions.

Ok, that is insanely useful.  Would have been nice to know when I got careless and let myself get pincushioned last night in a battle.  I gave the charge command and just hoped to see more blue messages than red and yellow ones.  I won the battle, but couldn't see anything, was staring at a hill.

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