Spear Bracing

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I think it does great justice to the otherwise unstoppable mounted chargers, it has made me actively watch for and avoid getting anywhere near people carrying spears while I'm passing through.  Could it perhaps though be even more deadly to mounted units and perhaps damage both the mount and the rider or at least some chance of one or the other?  If I get dismounted I'll just hack my merry way through the spearman pack with a claymore but if there was a chance I could be nearly killed and not just have to replace a mount once in a while that'd make me far far more wary of them and even consider keeping some footmen in my standing army to deal with the spearmen.
BumpInTheNight said:
I think it does great justice to the otherwise unstoppable mounted chargers, it has made me actively watch for and avoid getting anywhere near people carrying spears while I'm passing through.  Could it perhaps though be even more deadly to mounted units and perhaps damage both the mount and the rider or at least some chance of one or the other?  If I get dismounted I'll just hack my merry way through the spearman pack with a claymore but if there was a chance I could be nearly killed and not just have to replace a mount once in a while that'd make me far far more wary of them and even consider keeping some footmen in my standing army to deal with the spearmen.

Damage to the rider has been discussed before.  Jinnai indicated that there really isn't an efficient way to determine when the damage to the rider is done.  He also indicated that he was still looking into it though...
Well, we COULD do it. Thing is, it'd just be kind of frustrating. I *think* we could probably use the same code that inflicts damage to the horse. I'll look into it.
I like Spear Bracing but also i think there must be some fixes.
If you fight against lords with many high tier troops it is easy to tramble them down because most of the units have no spears or don't use them. If you fight against some low tier troops it is better if you let your horse stand somewhere and fight on foot because many of these guys use simple forks or something like this and you can see your (and all other horses) horse die. => sense???
MrFloppy said:
I like Spear Bracing but also i think there must be some fixes.
If you fight against lords with many high tier troops it is easy to tramble them down because most of the units have no spears or don't use them. If you fight against some low tier troops it is better if you let your horse stand somewhere and fight on foot because many of these guys use simple forks or something like this and you can see your (and all other horses) horse die. => sense???

Yes. If those high-tier troops don't have spears, they can't brace them. So that makes sense.

If those peasants have spears, they can brace them. So that makes sense.
Great mod by the way.  Been playing it and another one I grabbed for about a month straight now.  It's made me blow the dust off my old mount and blade cd again :smile:.  I didn't really like the horse's charges being so powerful, but this kind of negated it.  I mean, realistically...how much damage would a 800 pound horse running over you with steel horseshoes do anyway? o_O
It is weird that a few peasents are able to stop your whole mounted troops and mid and high tier troops are easily trambled down because they don't seem to use their spears.

€: I just speak about troops who have spears!!!!111111!!!!!  :mrgreen:
What annoys me more is these spear and tower shield users that brace with just one hand. It is mainly a visual problem as I can't tell if he is having a siezure, or bracing the god damn spear.
I seemed to be the only person on the field to actually ever get dismounted from it. :sad:

Turned it off after my 10th courser got crippled. :razz:
When fighting the Rhodoks most of my cavalry ends up as infantry, they still cut a path right through them, but they do it on foot
It's a love/hate relationship with me. I like the balancing vs. mounted troops but it is still wacky in that the braced
spear can simultaneously hit a passing rider in a full 360 degree radius.  :roll:

Jericho said:
It's a love/hate relationship with me. I like the balancing vs. mounted troops but it is still wacky in that the braced
spear can simultaneously hit a passing rider in a full 360 degree radius.  :roll:

Yeah, I hate this too.  :mad: And also the fact I get my mount killed even if I just walk around really slowly. :sad:
But I still use it.  :grin:
King Yngvar said:
How do you use spear bracing? I keep trying it but no effect.
You press the "b" key if you have a polearm that can be braced.  Your infantry does it automatically during the hold position command.
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