OSP Code Combat Spear Bracing Kit (Updated)

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[Bcw]Btm_Earendil said:
Since I see you commenting a lot at different OSPs lately, I would like to know if you have even set up the module system normally and compiled it once succesfully?
set up the module system normally and compiled it once succesfully
As far as I know, I need to connect the mod_sys to a module in the game's 'modules' folder. This is done via editing mod_info.py in the mod_sys folder. Am I missing anything?
As to compiling, I have successfully compiled it many times over, I only post in topics that I get problems with.
Corbul said:
I get an error when trying to compile:
Loading module... DONE.
Loading plugins... DONE.
Checking module syntax... FAILED.
MODULE `animations` ERROR:
failed to parse element #496
  cannot convert value [4.0, 'anim_human', 27310, 27310, 7] to integer

What gives?? :sad:

read the text above. It is trying to compile. It failed. It failed at animations. It failed at item number 496. It cant convert a list [] because it expected a simple number. That is a syntax error. So you need to find that error, fix it, and recompile.
kalarhan said:
read the text above. It is trying to compile. It failed. It failed at animations. It failed at item number 496. It cant convert a list [] because it expected a simple number. That is a syntax error. So you need to find that error, fix it, and recompile.
Thank you.
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