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NordMann 2

Sergeant at Arms

I'm currently downloading this mod. And I was wondering, will you be able to recruit people that will end up as the ultimate spartan hoplites? They don't have to look like the ones in "300", but that would have been cool.
hmmm, I don't know, it's not likely..
It's not like there's Sparta among the main factions...
NordMann 2 said:
No, but there is possible to get spartan hoplites of some kind, right?

dude. Sarcasm!  Sparta IS one of the main factions.
I hate how 300 made the Spartans mostly naked, WTF. Was it that hard to make 10 Spartan Uniforms and then make the rest all CGI like they did anyway.
Spartans own,they have spears (if warrior,not peltast) and unbreakeable shields,i play for SPARTANS, but athenians have an ultrasuperextraarchers ++    thats annoying , they have 30-50 (or more) dmg and extra accuracy. damn i hate them >_<
Dude i got a question. is there some way to give NPC troops wepons of your choosing. for example. Spartans in this mod standard gear= spear+shield. whould i be able to add to my troops with a scripting or some ****, one of those spartan swords? makahri of w/e the **** their called.
Merlkir said:
Hell no! One silly topic is enough.
HEY! How can I know when I haven't even tried the mod?!
I was just wondering if we could get spartan hoplites like the ones in Hegemony 268 BC.
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