Spare my life and help me! (UV-mapping problem)

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Sergeant Knight
Is it possible of somehow of using the same UV mapping (like copy it and paste it) with different models. Like if I make a shield with a UVmapping and I want to add the UV mapping on my other shield. Can I somehow add the same UVmapping to the other shield.

Please Help me!

EDIT: And yea. I'm using wings3D
nope... i have asked this question abit around aswell to some good texturers, its impossible :smile:
well it's not a shield it's a uniform. And I did model 32 models with the fench UV-mapping and I wanted to copy them and use the english, swedish, austrain and russian  too. So I don't need to make 126 more models.
Sibylla said:
do those uniforms have the same mesh??
if yes then you just create several textures & use them on the same model.
if not then you'll have to remap them  :???:

well there is 5 different models. And they are modifications of the osp uniform pack by  Dain. So there is 4 different texture sharing in one pic
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