Space Hijackers Shenanigans - "Half Price Off!" Gag

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Absolutely Brilliant!
I would love to do something like this, especially in the ritzy parts of Vancouver.

Despite the link and event's age, it is still an interesting read.
Now, what they're doing is basically going into stores with shirts declaring "50% off sales" and imitating sales representatives so that the customers will be completely convinced that everything is half off, when in actuality these "50% off"-ers are doing it as a gag, to "get" at or "pull the wool over" the stores.
Lyze said:
Now, what they're doing is basically going into stores with shirts declaring "50% off sales" and imitating sales representatives so that the customers will be completely convinced that everything is half off, when in actuality these "50% off"-ers are doing it as a gag, to "get" at or "pull the wool over" the stores.

Ah, I thought so.

What bastards.
hehe on a school trip to italy we went into shops like lacoste and other posh designer places as a group, someone would count 3, 2, 1, and everyone would go down on 1 knee in an "atlas pose" instantly

(it was a classics trip after all)
and stay there as long as possible before we got chucked out. Good fun mucking with shops :grin:
Some of their stunts are quite ironic as well. They protest the "police state" that they live in, and so they agitate the police into taking hostile actions against them. The more opposition the meet, the more brazen they become, and thus the more force is brought against them. It's a self fulfilling prophecy...
Shatari said:
Some of their stunts are quite ironic as well. They protest the "police state" that they live in, and so they agitate the police into taking hostile actions against them. The more opposition the meet, the more brazen they become, and thus the more force is brought against them. It's a self fulfilling prophecy...
I find it very funny... (that is, because I'm not involved)

on a side note: I don't know what just happened to my English, it suddenly got even worse...
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