Sounds and combos. (totally unrelated)

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The sounds in this game kinda lackluster. There's a lot of quiet in the battles that could be filled up with shouting and various ambient stuff (rustle of chainmail, neigh of horses, whizz of arrows). This could really give the game more atmosphere.

Also the combat sounds aren't visceral enough. The best way to generate these is to go get a slaughtered hog. and record the sounds of it being beaten with various implements (makes for a great party, just be sure to use sterilized stuff if you plan to eat it afterwards). You can drape some chains on it for chainmail effects. Wrap it in tinfoil for the sound of plate mail being pierced and bent.
The second part is a combat tweak. It would be kind of neat to be able to chain attacks on various opponents for a slight damage bonus per hit after the first one.

EDIT: oh and this game is serious awesome. Totally worth $10
I agree the sounds could use a little work, but I think Armagan is trying to get the "core" of the game working and playing right ATM. Probably isn't the top on his list.
coconono said:
The best way to generate these is to go get a slaughtered hog. and record the sounds of it being beaten with various implements (makes for a great party, just be sure to use sterilized stuff if you plan to eat it afterwards).
I'll definitely try that sometime. :razz:
ShadowMoses said:
Actually the sounds have dramatically improved since previous version! :razz:

I just love them! :smile:

really? Maybe increasing their play radius would make them stand out more.
Mm, while it is a bit on the quite side for a battlefield, I love the sound when you run your sword accross someones neck at full gallop, not to sound like dementedly evil or anything >.> But it's a nice satisfying slice. I hope he dosen't change that sound, i'd die o_o

One thing i've noticed is a metallic sound (sometime not always) When you attack someone with a wooden weapon/even steel and they block it with a a wooden part of a weapon (IE Spear, quater staff)
Even happens when wood clashes with wood O_O
But not often.
Well, in most games, combos are really perverted in a way you can, for instance, make a combo of hitting someone with blunt smth, and your weapon will pass thru the enemy each time, even if he's armored! That pisses me off to no end. Most 'real' combos, when you fight against armored opponents, use rebounding in case you didn't manage to penetrate the armor... and you simply cannot do combos if do cause the blade will stuck.
The only viable way to heavily use combos is with slashing (like sabers) implements on unarmored targets (or people in non-metal armor). Yea-yea, katanas on peasants. No wonder Japanese went heavily into that... but otherwise, it's nigh impossible. Combos are overhyped, so to speak. You can also use tip of the sword, but that's no easy feat, and I doubt that you can emulate that in game.
Of course, you can do combos taking parries and blocks into account - but that will require a drastic change in combat system, a LOT of new animations, etc.
All in all - either we will have 'arcade' beat-em-up combos, that will completely ruin game atmosphere, or they will be limited to beaiting people in non-metal armor, if you have a sabre or similar curved slashing devise (do be able to do 'pass-thru' slashes). Or, heh, with a heavy two-hander... but for proper visualization, dismemberment like ‘cut in half’ should be implemented :smile:.
A few counterattacks or combos that take rebounding into view would be nice indeed... but that's rather tricky to implement. At least, I've yet to see it done - well, I recall a game with proper rebounding, but it was never utilized in combos. (Hmm... I recall it’s was Conan).
Oh, and of course, no fancy combos for you if you are in a middle of a high-pitched battle, surrounded by enemies or your own troops.
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