Sound problem

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i just got a new computer and installed 0.704 version of the game but the sound is not working properley. it worked fine on my old computer but now it just goes on and off randomly, could someone help me?
This is a known problem, it is mentioned in the bug repot forum. And you should have posted this there. Remember for next time. I'm sure it was an accident, they happen.
ok this is still happening to me and noones told me why yet

the sound just comes in sometimes then goes away again but the music works fine please could soemone help
i think its a sound card but imn not sure do you know how i can find out?

the sound works for everythign even new games apart from this and it works sometimes and the music works fine but mostly i cant here any sound effects

also i can hear the clicking sound when you press buttons in speech and on the menu and inventory and things, its just when im in battle i cant hear the swords and arrows and peple being hit

i hope that helps and thankyou for your help it is very kind
Go to start -> run and type DXDIAG. Hit enter
Under the sound tab you should find the name and drivers of your soundcard

Do you have anything else which might be using the soundcard? i.e. A Microphone, Windows Media Player running in the background etc?
ok my sound card is SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [CCCO] running with the driver ctaud2k.sys

in the notes it says there are no problems found and im not running anything else in the background
Just a quick thing to check, but you'd be surprised : Go into M&B's options and make sure the sound effects volume slider is fully to the right.

You can try setting disable_frequency_variation to 1 in the config file, that might help.

Something to check - in the surround mixer, CMSS and the advanced Equalisers (you know, hall, live, bathroom thing) should be turned off

If you have an onboard soundcard, make sure it has been disabled in the BIOS.

One thing it may be worth doing (if you haven't already) is going to Creative's site and use their autoupdate program. This will identify updates to more than just the drivers and allow you to download the relevant update.

Its also worth checking your speaker setup. Try switching to Mono and see if the noises are still missing.
hm, the sounds now work a lot more but still not all the time. so sometimes i can hear horses hooves and people being hit but not my arrows, and then sometimes i can hear the arrows. most of the time i cant hear anything. its like it fades in and out.
the sliders, the CMSS and equalisers thing, the disable_frequency_variation to 1 and the autoupdate at
Something to try:

1. Run dxdiag (from start -> run) and click on the sound tab. Try altering the hardware acceleration from none all the way up to full and see if there are any differences (should be about 4 settings).

If its fading in and out, it could be a problem either with directional audio, or the mixer volume controls. It may be worth checking what sound setup you have selected (i.e. 5.1 Surround, Laptop mono) and try altering that to see if theres a difference. I know some Audigy users reported problems with Doom 3 if they had it set for 7.1 Surround.
ah wow thanks! i did that first thing (changed the tab from full to basic acceloration) and now it works perfectly. thanks a lot!
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