I believe that small and numerous suggestions help more than complete ones. Thats why i suggest GONG! or KLONG! sounds for the metallic big shields instead of KOPP! that the wooden ones use. Dont laugh, but i think this is needed.
True, but problem is, there's only one metal shield. It does seem a bit superfluous to create a new sound for just one shield.
There are a bunch of other sounds i'd like in the game. Footsteps and the rustle of leather/chain/plate. Every now and then, the player makes a grunting and yelling sound on an attack. Some different sounds for various weapons hitting leather/chain/plate.
As other people have mentioned before, the battlefield is a little too quiet at the moment.
whoah, i almost forgot to mention that it would be far more realistic that when using melee weapons the sword/weapon wouldnt just slice through the opponent but instead hit it in the same manner when hitting people in town areas. Of course making a solid nice slice would make the blade slice, but for now it seems like the only thing that makes you sure of connecting is the "shling" sound.
Nope, youve misunderstood me, what i meant was that a defensless opponent stands before you, you strike him and notice that your sword just slices through him even though the hit wasnt that hard. BTW what i mean is that it would be nice to have something like Halflife crowbar for those who dont understand me, it stops when a hard object comes (wall, plate armor, body, etc stuff).
I believe that small and numerous suggestions help more than complete ones. Thats why i suggest GONG! or KLONG! sounds for the metallic big shields instead of KOPP! that the wooden ones use. Dont laugh, but i think this is needed.
The standard sound effects are remarkably mediocre - if that isn't a contradiction.
The weak thud of a hit on a wooden shield sounds like a five-year-old hitting a cardboard box with a foam nerf bat. Weak.
More sounds! A common request, often suggested.
There is a sound mod that you can download that adds some oooomph to the sound effects and it helps some.
The weak sound effect for couched lance hits is one reason JohnathanStrange doesn't use lances and he often feels like he's in a silent movie despite being surrounded by armored knights in furious combat.
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