Sound Effects

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I love them.

But this is the forum for suggestions so boy howdy I'll pitch in my 2 thousand Turkish Lira.

The ambient battle sound when you go past a 'battle' on the world map sounds a lot like what a battle should sound like but the actual combat rarely sounds as dramatic. I say stick with the current sound effects for horses collapsing and weapon hits (man the broken shield SFX is satisfying) and the death sounds but add some random noise maybe a war cry from all your guys after you give a 'charge' order.

I mean, this is essentially a melee with sharp pointy things and armor it stands to reason ther'd be a bit of shouting and screaming. Maybe have the NPC soldiers call out at random intervals and have a few random 'grunt' sounds when you take a swing or deliver a blow. In the long run I'd be more than pleased to have some mod or later version with wounded soldiers who flop about on the ground in agony.

The best part is you don't even have to put much effort into my suggestion, all you need is a microphone, an unsuspecting victim and a pointed stick.
Kynes said:
The best part is you don't even have to put much effort into my suggestion, all you need is a microphone, an unsuspecting victim and a pointed stick.

Yes. I hope to add more shouting (also swearing etc.) sounds sometime. They would indeed add a lot to the atmosphere.
Armagan could work out a quick script of simple (swear) words and screams that the community can record themselves and send in, throw out all the ones with the 'Oh no! are you ok dear?' in the background, and dress it up as a beta community reward thingy - this would get you a good palette of combat sounds and voices.
I suppose Armagan would have to weigh the advantages of saving time recording lots of sounds and voices himself vs the trouble of sorting out the stuff he got sent.
I'd like to hear the troops to respond to orders; some kind of response when I tell them to follow me, a hearty yell when I order them to charge.
My only request be that no American accents be unleashed on the pseudo-Medieval world that armagan has created. :razz:
Hey, I'd be fine if it was all in Turkish, I just want some yelling. :grin:
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