Soo.. I'm confused. Help?

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Hey, Taleworlds.

I've had a simple problem really, these stickies are kind of confusing. I read the question page and to no avail I am still left with a anwserless question. I just downloaded the full one, it tells me. Sword of Damocles Invasion 4.1. Is this the full game? Because I see these mods like auxiliria and undead invasion and all these addons. Do I have the full game as of current? 
Hi, Hymmm.
We are not Taleworlds actually :wink:
SoD V4.1 is the latest and most complete version.
Auxiliarii is V4 variant, it doesn't have changes from V4 to V4.1 but has significant amount of other cool changes.
Gunpowder invasion is also for V4 as well as Undead invasion.
Sp the latest full is V4.1 but if you like changes made by any of the other variants you may want to sacrifive V4.1 changes for this variant additions.
Gladiatorfo said:
Hey, Taleworlds.
I've had a simple problem really, these stickies are kind of confusing.
He has a point there. First, there are way too many stickies. The AARs are nice, but should not be sticky - it is not basic nor vital information. Second, for the sake of clarity, the variant mods posts should start with "What is XYZ mod" section.
I like the [section] headers in the stickies.  Works nicely.

I would like to see all of the AARs un-stickied, with a single [AAR] sticky that links to them all (with a brief summary), as has been suggested before.

We have a lot of space on the new Wiki, so people writing AARs/Stories/Fan Fiction/Etc. should have a nice place to post all of that without feeling short-changed by not having a sticky.

But I wouldn't change the headers to "What is..." - sounds too much like "Ask Jeeves".
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