Someone knows Paypal?

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Sorry for my broken english firstly.

I played M&B now sometime and now i wanna buy the fullbeta, but no creditcard.

Okay, np, cause it goes with paypal.

Now someone knows that?
when i subscribe, can i use it at the time, so now or something (hard to say with my words i know).

so when i buy here m+b with paypal how fast can i get the key.
when i subscribe paypal and m+b this day from morning to noon,
im able to play in the evening?

mhm, i hope someone get the clue from this text, i have to learn more english i think...

so n8 all :oops:

one more, you want via paypal 14 dollars, so i send 10 euro?

edit ones more: ah i see i can pay in dollars from paypal.
Your english is broken, but understandable. I will attempt to do this simply.

Paypal will require a credit card, or a bank account. It will require you to confirm a deposit to your bank account before full access. The credit card does not.

I hope this helps.
Hihi, so you did not understand me.

I if i buy with paypal today the game, will i get the key today?
so i can play the day?
I know now what i need. Have just 2 days free, but with paypal money delivery took about 5 days getting key. so i'll wait until my next free time and than my paypal will be prepared.
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