Some suggestions

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Only played this for half a dozen hours, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but...

- make it so that when I am knocked unconscious in an arena battle, I don't "lose" immediately. Far too many times has it been me and two other characters vs an archer, and he's hit me with a freak shot, killed me (of course), and I'd die and lose my money. Either have the rest of the battle auto calculated ("battle" on the world map style), or let me watch it in optionally fast forward.

- make it require time to block and parry: currently I can break out of any swing at any time and immediately parry an attack no matter what (or block infinite attacks with shield); this is silly.

- make it so that hitting first with lance doesn't interrupt your lance hit, because that's patently dumb.

- make it so damage to mounts slows the mount down for a bit. Could even do locational damage.

- make it so that shields can block attacks if the enemy's attack hits the shield, geometrically. This would be especially helpful on mount with lances.

- on a similar note, make it so that if my weapon geometrically collides with the enemy's weapon, a parry occurs

- make it so I can choose whether my weapon swings or pokes. Poking with a large glaive when I want to slash 3 people I'm riding by is useless.

- make it so the weapon "swing" (especially when poking) sort of follows my cursor to an extent.

- it says in the game text somewhere that you can't ever block/parry rider lances. You can in fact block and parry them with any weapon.

- make it so enemy weapons do the same damage as player weapons, and that the base HP of enemies (at least in the arena) is the 50, plus whatever perks they're generated with. It's iritating to do 60+ damage to some guy in the arena then magically die in one hit

- I can ride circles around part of an enemy force to keep them following me, while my considerably smaller force gangs up on the couple of guys I "let go" each time, letting me win battles of pretty much any size (so far, anyway)

- I'm pretty sure the +speed perk thing doesn't do anything at all. Make it do something so my archer is not guaranteed death when anyone gets in melee range (in the arena.)

- weapon damage seems reeeeeally messed up. I've done zero/one damage to people with a 1h sword when I'm trained pretty high in 1h weapons, while an enemy always does ridiculous damage killing me in 2-4 hits no matter what.

- fix the inconsistencies with momentum and damage. I've poked people with a lance at full charge in the test arena for less than 10 damage before, whereas I am unconditionally killed in one hit by a rider with any weapon when they're moving. E.g. (I'm writing this while going through arena battles) I just did 8 damage to a stationary mounted archer from full charge (lance lined up on its own), then got killed in one hit by another lancer who wasn't going very fast. Bow specced ranger at level 4 or something, I just did 18 damage to a 2h sword wielder three times in a row. Enemy archers never ever hit me for less than 34 or so damage.

- I'm a fan of "when the weapon hits you, you take damage" and all, but it's really silly that I can kill anybody by just hitting them over and over and keeping them in stun lock because I'm at point blank range and my sword/lance/whatever poke-hits immediately.

- pretty sure you take damage before the weapon hits you, or that there are huge careless hitboxes. This doesn't appear to be the case with arrows (as I've shot under people's arms, etc.) but it certainly looks like it with melee weapons. This is especially obvious when you get raped on horseback when there's SERIOUSLY NO WAY THAT HIT ME DAMNIT.

- let me reload my crossbow while stationary on the horse (or while not turning or something)

- does horse archery become useful at higher levels?

- make it so I can duck attacks or something so that slashes from long weapons don't hit me no matter what if I'm within a certain range (this would help make archers not immediately die in melee too.)

- make bow friendly fire optional, or make enable melee friendly fire too

- allow melee headshots, and make them kill/knock out in one hit no matter what if the person doesn't have protection there

- make it so I can run people over with my horse.

K, gotta go study!
Godd suggestions/ comments.

- it says in the game text somewhere that you can't ever block/parry rider lances. You can in fact block and parry them with any weapon.

I think you can parry or block normal lance attacts, however, couched lance attacks cannot be blocked.

- let me reload my crossbow while stationary on the horse (or while not turning or something)

I'd asked for a light crossbow that could be reloaded on horse. While doing research on the realistic-ness of it I came to the conclusion that crossbows weren't reloaded on horse vey often, if ever. All I could find were references to light hunting x-bows that could be relaoded on a horse by hand, anything bigger would be too bulky. You're better off on foot if you want to use a crossbow

does horse archery become useful at higher levels?

Very much so
- make it so that when I am knocked unconscious in an arena battle, I don't "lose" immediately. Far too many times has it been me and two other characters vs an archer, and he's hit me with a freak shot, killed me (of course), and I'd die and lose my money. Either have the rest of the battle auto calculated ("battle" on the world map style), or let me watch it in optionally fast forward.
I fear it's not as easy as it sounds. But I agree, it's nigh 'must have'.

- make it so that hitting first with lance doesn't interrupt your lance hit, because that's patently dumb.
What do you mean? Either it's me having trouble understanding English, or you transtating your thoughts :smile:.

- make it so damage to mounts slows the mount down for a bit. Could even do locational damage.
Well, horses may get crippled. Location damage for humans would be a blast too, but it's not THAT major feature.

- make it so that shields can block attacks if the enemy's attack hits the shield, geometrically. This would be especially helpful on mount with lances.
Well, this wil mean a drastic overhawl of all blocking system (think about this a bit).

- on a similar note, make it so that if my weapon geometrically collides with the enemy's weapon, a parry occurs
See above. Also, it's not as easy as it seems.

- make it so I can choose whether my weapon swings or pokes. Poking with a large glaive when I want to slash 3 people I'm riding by is useless.
A button to choose slash/stab is a must. Animation for slashing with polearms while on horse too :smile:.

- make it so the weapon "swing" (especially when poking) sort of follows my cursor to an extent.
It does?

- it says in the game text somewhere that you can't ever block/parry rider lances. You can in fact block and parry them with any weapon.
Unswered already.

- make it so enemy weapons do the same damage as player weapons, and that the base HP of enemies (at least in the arena) is the 50, plus whatever perks they're generated with. It's iritating to do 60+ damage to some guy in the arena then magically die in one hit
They 'are' equal. Just have have a few perks + high str... same goes for damage. Play more :smile:.
- I can ride circles around part of an enemy force to keep them following me, while my considerably smaller force gangs up on the couple of guys I "let go" each time, letting me win battles of pretty much any size (so far, anyway)
Call back when AI will match human one. That would be (at the very least, if ever) 2030 or so.

- I'm pretty sure the +speed perk thing doesn't do anything at all. Make it do something so my archer is not guaranteed death when anyone gets in melee range (in the arena.)
For archer, if you have only a bow, when someone gets into melee range, it IS a guaranteed death, live (or die :smile:) with it. A request to have a hand axe or a short sword as a backup weapon for archers in the arena (2 quivers will be enough anyway) is in order :smile:.

- weapon damage seems reeeeeally messed up. I've done zero/one damage to people with a 1h sword when I'm trained pretty high in 1h weapons, while an enemy always does ridiculous damage killing me in 2-4 hits no matter what.
Well, it's subjective. And random. It's not messed up. Play more :smile:.

- fix the inconsistencies with momentum and damage. I've poked people with a lance at full charge in the test arena for less than 10 damage before, whereas I am unconditionally killed in one hit by a rider with any weapon when they're moving. E.g. (I'm writing this while going through arena battles) I just did 8 damage to a stationary mounted archer from full charge (lance lined up on its own), then got killed in one hit by another lancer who wasn't going very fast. Bow specced ranger at level 4 or something, I just did 18 damage to a 2h sword wielder three times in a row. Enemy archers never ever hit me for less than 34 or so damage.
See above :smile: And btw, 8 damage came from 'collision' of horse, no doubt, not 'couched lance damage'.

- I'm a fan of "when the weapon hits you, you take damage" and all, but it's really silly that I can kill anybody by just hitting them over and over and keeping them in stun lock because I'm at point blank range and my sword/lance/whatever poke-hits immediately.
Well, 'minimum' range was already suggested. And, it would be so much better if momentum of the blade (like it is in in DBTS) would affect how much damage you do. This will fix it nicely too.

- pretty sure you take damage before the weapon hits you, or that there are huge careless hitboxes. This doesn't appear to be the case with arrows (as I've shot under people's arms, etc.) but it certainly looks like it with melee weapons. This is especially obvious when you get raped on horseback when there's SERIOUSLY NO WAY THAT HIT ME DAMNIT.
Hmm, never noted something like that.

- let me reload my crossbow while stationary on the horse (or while not turning or something)
Not gonna happen. Unless an other crossbow design will be added... Current ones are with loops you have to step on, and reload using your entire body. No way you can reload them on horseback, stationary or not.

- does horse archery become useful at higher levels?
It does. Very much so.

- make it so I can duck attacks or something so that slashes from long weapons don't hit me no matter what if I'm within a certain range (this would help make archers not immediately die in melee too.)
Hmm, dodges are nice thing, but will require a lot of effort to implement and code interface for.

- make bow friendly fire optional, or make enable melee friendly fire too
Well, right now it's a good compromise. And making melee friendly fire will MESS (think of an other 4-letter word) UP AI.
- allow melee headshots, and make them kill/knock out in one hit no matter what if the person doesn't have protection there
You underestimate human survivability. However, 2x multiplier for head strikes is a good thing... as location damage in general. Will make hunting for helmets worthwhile.

- make it so I can run people over with my horse.
Hmm, you can? I mean, damage them with collision... And btw, get a charger and trample some river pirates :smile: No 'knockdown' animation, though (I hope, for now).

K, gotta go study!
Good luck :smile:
This game is sooooo frustrating. Mounted archers (and AI archers in general) are impossibly accurate.

Mounted archery is somewhat bugged - especially when trying to shoot backwards, you'll shoot in some random direction. I find that while stationary if I shoot a bunch of times I'll end up bugging out.

Why don't my enemies every do 0 or 1 damage to me (like I've done to them on countless occasions), and why don't I ever one-shot enemies in the arena with the 2h sword on ridebys? How can a mounted pike guy poke backwards at me an do 30+ damage? Some guy with a 2h sword just hit me for 38 damage as I was riding away from him. I've never done that much damage ever, except with headshots with bow and the triple damage pike. So frustrating. Edit: Just got one shotted (50+ damage) by a guy with a pike hitting me off the back of his horse while running away. What?

Edit: And no, horses don't do damage (at least at the start of the game with the arena horses.)

Edit: REALLY need to see how much damage is being done to me, and how much damage other NPCs are doing to eachother.

Edit: Christ!#%!#%# Game needs a "bull**** death that isn't possible" detector that makes me go superberserk next fight.
I haven't noticed the hit boxes off. Why would there be a seperate arrow and melee hitbox?

The geometric parrying thing would be very hard. The maths involved would be......mindbending to say the least.

I think the combat system is quite good, although it looks like your looking for a "Die by the Sword" type game.

It had sword swings that followed excatly where your mouse went, dismemberment and some sweet parry action.

Oh, horses do do damage, get one with some good charge action, NOT the ones in the tounament. I've done quite a bit of damage that way. The ones with 32 charge is good :smile:
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