Some suggestions

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I am new to the game but already have a long list of "I would like to see this" in future versions of M&B. Sorry if I say something someone already told:

1)Horses are too cheap. They must be a lot expensive, how it was in the middle ages (yet today!).
You could buy separate equipaments for your horses, like sadles, barding, stirrups, etc (giving a bonus to the horses attributes - saddle give more charge, barging adds armor, horseshoes adds speed, etc). Make that we can rename our horses!
2)It's too cheap to make a Elite personal army too. I would like that to upgrade your troops, you have to buy the right equipment. This will make hard that, after a few fights, you peasant is upgraded to a knight! It will be even better if you can give the equipment you choose to your troops - this way you can customize your little army to your needs.
3)You should have the option to camp in the world map, thus resting you and your troops. But that would be risky;
4)Why no add in the game mules and wagons for more storage capacity? This can be made a merchant's life much more fun. Imagine a new battle map where you have to protect your wagon from bandits while it cross the battle map - you can be guiding it or fighting to protect it!
5)Some battles could have objectives(Protect the Hill, Hold on until the reinforcements came, Take the enemy position, etc)
6)Would be very nice if in the future we could siege cities, build forts, castles...this would be the best game ever!
7) After the point where the storyline go into the game, make that the heros talk with each other, have relationships, etc, like in Baldur's Gate 2. For example, a certain hero won't like peasants bash!
This game is already cool as it is though! And it isnt even fininshed! I hope you like my suggestions!
Good suggestions, alot have been brought up before though
1. I think that most of the prices on the game are largly set for balance issues, and are not intended to be realistic relative prices. But some tweaking does need to be done.
2. This would cost an insane fortune and would make having a large army nearly impossible. Especially if you lost the equipment when a soldier died. Not to mention being an enormous hastle to equip all of them individually.
3. Been suggested, and i think its going to be implemented.
4. Nice idea. I think it would work well with idea #5.
5. Suggested alot and might be implemented. Battles are all to similar under the current system, thats for sure.
6. Sieges have been suggested alot, but i'm not sure if its feasible. But having your own town would be well worth the precious programming time IMO.
7. There have been alot of suggestions for a storyline and whatnot. This game would be alot better with more of a purpose and background history to go on.
2. This would cost an insane fortune and would make having a large army nearly impossible. Especially if you lost the equipment when a soldier died. Not to mention being an enormous hastle to equip all of them individually.

Yes, it would. But that its the point. To make gathering large armies in the game more difficult. But its certain that not could be made the way I think...maybe with some plain costs. What is certain its, its not feasible the way it is. After few battles, you could have soldiers with better equipment than even you could afford!
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