Some Suggestions for Spys

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First of, I love this mod, it rekindled my love for Mount & Blade Warband. I have had some issues with it but all in all its still a great mod. That said I have some suggestions, primarily concerning spy units. I am not a moder, so I dont know if any of these ideas are unreasonable or not so please forgive any to outlandish ideas.

1. More option in subterfuge
I like the current options, but was surprised when some basic ones were missing. One idea I was surprised wasnt there was the option to get your spy to attempt to open a gate during a siege of a town (thus by passing build stages for ladders and siege towers). Another idea for this is for your spy to try and persuade troops on the opposing side to defect in battle (you could chose how they try ie, you will pay them better wages, you will treat them better, or if your army is large enough, we will kill you unless you defect)

2. Planting spy units in an enemy lords army. This would take some time (a week perhaps) the longer thy are there the more effective they can be (as they would become more trusted by the lord). These spys could lower troop morale (sabotage food supplies or weapons) feed incorrect info to the noble (this could be used to draw a noble out, making him think a village he controls is under attack or that a lord is unguarded out in the world map) this would be used to ambush the lord unit making them face you thinking you have inferior numbers when the opposite is true. Another option would be to undermine the lords loyalty to his liege (this would happen over a long period of time, perhaps two weeks or more) This could range from simply trying to make the lord dislike his liege, to trying to get him to defect to the faction your serve or to your faction (if you are ruler)

I have others, however I feel these are the most pressing on my mind. :grin:
i agree that more options would be useful but not to many (people would just buy tons of spies and whipe out factions with them)
maybe a send spy to one's own lords, villages, towns or castles to keep a eye on things like loyalty and the latest news
there are suggestions thread:,144359.0.html

If you dont post it there, your thread will be lost enter Brytenwalda subforum and we wont see it when look for players suggestions.
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